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How to set date and time on Android

How to set date and time on Android

Nowadays, more and more people are moving away from using wristwatches, preferring smartphone watches to them. However, the telephone date and time may be lost when the device is rebooted or due to a system error. In such cases, you have to change the settings yourself.

How to turn off samsung it freezes

In the "distant" times, when almost every Samsung smartphone had a collapsible case, it was easy to remove the back panel and remove the battery to quickly reboot the smartphone, eliminating problems with its unexpected freezing. But the last fl

Highlights of this week

Available Galaxy S7 colors

There are no comrades for taste and color - this simple truth remains relevant always and for everyone, including potential buyers of the Samsung Galaxy S7 smartphone. And although the manufacturer offers not so many color variations, the choice is optimal

Bonus program in Beeline operator

24-11-2018 05 hours 37 min. Message: *105# = shows ruble bonuses, also up to what time you need to use them. 15-04-2018 13 hours 25 min. Message: Writes connection problems or incorrect MMI code 15-04-2018 13 hours. 21...

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