Mail mail delete mailbox. How to delete a mail ru mailbox

As you know, is one of the largest portals on the Russian Internet, one of the main services of which is still mail. Mail is one of the leaders in the segment. I already talked about how in it earlier. But today I want to tell you about how to delete a mailbox in the system. By the way, it should be noted that very few users know this information.

  • First of all, go to the website and go through authorization by entering your login (mailbox name) and password.

  • You are taken to the main page with incoming messages. We go down to the very bottom and see a small block of links. Click on the “Help” link.
  • Below are frequently asked questions. Select the item “How to delete a mailbox that I no longer need?”

  • A new page has opened, on which we see the answer to the question - we need to use a special interface. Click on the link.

  • And now we finally get to the mailbox deletion page. You need to tell the reason why you decided to say goodbye to yours, and also enter the password for it. After that, click on the “Delete” button. All.

It is extremely important to remember that along with your mailbox, all data on services that belong to you will be deleted, including photos, profile in “My World”, videos, and so on. Therefore, before you decide to take this desperate step, think carefully about whether you will need mail in the future? In addition, do not forget that the box cannot be restored!

The service is one of the most popular mail services in Russia. The number of mail accounts on amounts to tens of millions, while their number does not stand still, but is constantly increasing, both due to the influx of new people and due to the use of several accounts by the same people. At the same time, there are opposite situations in which a person, for some reason, wants to delete his mail on In this article I will help such users and tell you in detail how to delete mail on, and what actions need to be taken to do this.

Let me immediately note that if you are thinking about how to delete email on, then keep in mind that it will take three months to completely delete your email on this resource. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of your mail account, you mean that the data of your deleted account will be stored on the server for another couple of months, while the email located in the remote mailbox will be irretrievably lost.

Instructions for deleting an account on

To delete mail on Mail.Ru, follow these steps:

If the password for the mailbox you are deleting is lost

If you decide to delete your account on, and do not remember the password for your mailbox, then you need to use the procedure for recovering the password for your email by clicking on the “Forgot your password” button on the password entry page.

You will be taken to the password recovery page, where you will need to enter your login, as well as one of the domains used. After this, you will be offered several options for recovering your password - answering a secret question, using a special link on another linked email address, and you can also go through the recovery procedure via SMS.

Video instruction

Above I discussed the algorithm for deleting mail on If you decide to delete your mail account and are sure that after a while you will not change your mind, then use the algorithm I described, and your mail account on, as well as other services linked to it, will be completely deleted.

In contact with


With the advent of the Internet, the exchange of letters switched to electronic form. Computer owners got themselves an email account, space for which was offered by many large services. The largest email services are Gmail from Google, Yandex,, between which there is strong competition. You need to have a personal e-mail not only to exchange letters, but also to register on most resources that use mail as a login or confirmation method.

Features of deleting a mailbox on the network

An active user can own several e-mails at once; no one limits him in the ability to register for services. Sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an email address so that no more letters are sent to it, and attackers cannot hack it. This function is standard for any service; the process is generally similar, but there are some differences. For example, some mailboxes can only be deleted if you manually erase all the messages inside the mailbox, while in others this is not required.

In this case, deleting a mailbox is easier because all actions can be performed within the account. When logging in, the system recognizes you as the owner and does not prevent you from performing the necessary actions. To erase all data, you need to follow the service instructions, which will be described below. Each mail system has a management item that helps you delete mail.

If you forgot your password or entered an incorrect login

When registering your mailbox, you are asked to provide a backup e-mail. It is needed if you have filled in your personal access data for this mailer. Deleting mail if you don’t remember your password or login, you need to start by recovering them. All modern sites have a hyperlink under the login form, which usually has the following wording: “Forgot your password?” Click on it and you will be automatically redirected to the data recovery form via email.

There you will be asked to indicate a spare mailbox where a link to change your password will be sent. After going to the address, a form will appear to indicate a new password, but to change you may need to confirm ownership of the profile. As a rule, when creating a mail, you need to fill in additional information that must be entered, for example:

  • additional mail address;
  • Secret Question;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • options for E-mail forwarding boxes;
  • any data - in the form for contacting support.

How to delete mail

This is one of the most popular services that offers free registration and use. Even after deletion, you can re-create your mailbox. You will have the opportunity, after some time, to use the same login to register. If you decide to delete your account so that you can no longer access it, you must use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open Mail's main page through your browser.
  2. Find the login form in your mailbox at the top left. Enter your password, login and click the “Login” button.
  3. You will be taken inside the mailer, find the “More” hyperlink on the top panel. Click the "Help" section.
  4. You will be directed to a page with information that users are often interested in, with a list of answers to questions. Under number 11 there is an item “How to delete a mailbox...”, click on it.
  5. A new tab will appear with information on how to delete a box that you no longer need. Follow the steps in the guide.
  6. Click on the “Special interface” link, indicate the reason why you want to delete your e-mail, for example. “I don’t like the name” or “I want to make a new one.”
  7. You will need to enter your email password again. Then click on “delete” and confirm that you want to perform this action.
  8. Then you will receive a warning message that the mail on mail ru will be deleted, and all responsibility will be removed from the service. There will also be a link to restore your account if you change your mind. If everything is correct, just exit your profile.

Deleting a Gmail mailbox on Google

Google's service includes many tools that customers can manage from their account. This is another popular email hosting that creates an email for you immediately when you register with Google. If you decide to delete your Gmail, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the password and login for your account and log in from the start page.
  2. On the profile settings page, scroll down and find the “Delete Services” option, which is under the “Account Management” section.
  3. A new page will appear where you need to click on the line “Permanently delete the Gmail service.”
  4. This will delete your mailbox, but you can restore it if you wish; the data will not be saved in it.

How to delete your Yandex email

In terms of popularity, this search engine ranks 1st in Russia. Yandex mail opens up the opportunity to use other functions of the service. To complete the deletion procedure, you will need to log in to the portal. To do this, go to the main page and enter your username and e-mail password. Next you need to do the following:

  1. Find the icon with your account name at the top right and click on it.
  2. An additional menu will appear where you need to click on “Account Management”.
  3. You will be redirected to your “passport” profile. Scroll down the page and in the middle there will be a gray inscription “Delete account”.
  4. Click on this hyperlink, read the information about the consequences of deleting mail.
  5. If you agree with everything, you must confirm the mail deletion operation. Enter your password again and click “Delete account.”

Is it possible to recover a deleted mailbox?

Any service gives you the opportunity to close your account or profile. You can return it if you wish, but the likelihood that all the contents of your mailbox will remain is very small. As a rule, correspondence is erased from all folders, especially if recovery is carried out after some time. For example, you can return your account to Mail ru using the following instructions:

  1. Go to the main page of the service.
  2. In the mail login window, enter the old data: login and password of the remote mailer.
  3. A new window will appear asking you to restore your email account.
  4. You must click on the word “Unblock”.

Information, letters, blogs and other services that were associated with the mail profile will not be stored and therefore will not return upon restoration. You will be able to use your email again, but the content will be deleted permanently - you will receive an empty profile with your usual name (address). When deleting, they obtain your consent to destroy all data, so try not to do such actions in the heat of the moment or on emotions, without thinking.

Consequences of actions taken

Large platforms like Google, Yandex or Mail provide the user with a set of different services at once: mail, music, photo hosting, blog, etc. The key to access them is your e-mail account. If you delete it, you lose the ability to use other functions of the portal. Below are examples of what features and services you will lose access to if you delete your email.

In this lesson I will show you how to delete your mail on forever. It will be erased with all letters and settings. Also, the Cloud, My World and other services will close along with it.

Instructions for deleting Mail mail

You can completely remove your mail on Mail from the Internet. To do this, you need to delete your account on the website. Then the mailbox will be blocked and letters will no longer be sent to it. All settings will also be erased and all site services will be deleted: Cloud, My World and others.

Right now I will show you how to delete mail from your computer. From the phone this is done in approximately the same way, which I will talk about later.

Note: if you used this email address to register on other sites (for example, Skype), you may have problems accessing them.

1 . We go into the box that needs to be destroyed, and at the top of it click on the “More” item. Select “Help” from the list.

2. A new tab opens, where in the “Registration and Login” section (below) click on the “How to delete a mailbox” item.

4 . Another tab opens with a warning that everything else will be erased along with the mail. Click “Delete”.

6. The box is locked and all contents are erased. Now you can close all tabs and forget about this address.

If someone sends a letter to it, it will not be delivered and the sender will receive a notification about it.

How to erase a mailbox from your phone

1 . In your smartphone's browser (Internet program), go to the website

2. Sign in to your mailbox. To do this, click on the “Mail” inscription, type your login/password and click “Login”.

If the “Mail Application” window pops up, click “No, thanks.”

4 . Type any reason for deletion, enter the password for the mailbox, the code from the picture and click “Delete”.

A message will appear that the email has been destroyed. That's all! Now you can close the tab - the mail is already blocked.

How to delete an application

Android: Settings - Applications (Programs) - Mail - Delete.

iPhone: Touch and hold the app icon until a cross appears. Then click on the cross and select "Delete".

How to delete email if you forgot your password

It happens that you need to destroy a mailbox from which you do not remember the login information - login and password. In this case, you first need to try to restore access to your profile.

The first thing you need to know is the exact mail address. After all, the address can either end with or with other endings:, or And these will be different Mailboxes.

In addition, if you mix up just one letter or number in the name before the @ sign, it will also be a different mailbox - not yours.

Example of an email address

And the second thing you need to know is the exact password. It consists exclusively of English letters; numbers may be used. The size of the letters (large or small) also matters.

Without a password, you cannot delete your page on Mail, so you will need to recover it first. To do this, in the login window on the site, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.

Read more about restoring access in the lesson “My mail".

What to do if you can’t restore the box? Then you just need to wait: when the address is not used for more than six months, the administration has the right to destroy it.

If you haven't used the mailbox in a while and can't log into it, it's most likely already deleted.

It's easy to check: send a letter to your old email. If you receive a notification about an undelivered message, it means the mailbox is closed. It simply no longer exists in the system.

Or you can try to register this address. If such a username is available, then the mailbox has been automatically deleted.

Is it possible to restore mail?

You can only return the box within three months after it was closed. But everything that was in it will be irretrievably destroyed. Deleted emails and files cannot be recovered.

To restore deleted mail, you just need to open the website and enter the correct address and password in the login window.

The box will open without any problems on the part of the system (you won’t even need confirmation), but it will be empty.

Alternative to deletion

Deleting mail is a very important step. After all, all letters and services are immediately erased along with it. This is not always suitable, and now I will tell you about more gentle ways to deal with your address.

Exit from the box

Sometimes a person just needs to close a mailbox on a specific device. For example, you logged into your personal email on your work computer. And now every time you log into the website, the mailbox opens automatically.

To prevent this from happening, you just need to log out of your account. Then the mail will remain in the system, but it will no longer be automatically downloaded on this computer.

To log out of your mail on your computer, open the website and in the login form, click on the door icon.

Forwarding letters

It often happens that a person has not used mail on Mile for a long time: he has a different address on another site. But he used to leave his old box with different people. And I don’t really want to delete it in case one of them writes.

Or it happens that you don’t want to delete mail on, because all sorts of necessary services are attached to it. For example, you have registered Skype, a page on a social network, or a profile on a dating site. And if you close your mailbox, you may lose access to these services.

In this case, instead of deleting, it is better to set up email forwarding. Then, when a message arrives at the old address, it will be redirected to the new one. And it doesn’t matter what site the new address is on: Yandex, Google ( or some other.

1 . We go to the mailbox on, from which we need to redirect letters. Click on its address in the upper right corner. From the list, select “Mail Settings”.

3. Click on the “Add forwarding” button.

4 . Specify the address to which letters should be forwarded and click “Save”.

6. After this, the transfer is added, but for it to start working, it needs to be confirmed. To do this, click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions.

If everything is done correctly, the “Confirmed” mark will appear in the “Filtering Rules”. But besides this, you will also need to set the switch to “ON” - just click on it.

That's all! Now all letters will be automatically redirected to another address. If desired, this setting can be turned off at any time.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your Spam folder. For me, for example, it ended up exactly there.


If you decide to leave Mail because you are receiving unwanted emails (spam), then this can be resolved through filtering. Simply mark those messages that you would not like to receive, click on the “More” button and select “Create a filter” from the list.

Or you can even select the “Delete forever” option. The main thing is not to forget to save the settings and check that this filter is marked “ON”.


  • To close a mailbox, you need to know its exact address and password. This data can be recovered. Or you can just wait - in six months the post office will most likely close on its own.
  • In addition to deleting, there are other ways to get rid of the mailbox: forwarding letters, filtering. And if you just need to remove it from someone else’s computer, click on “exit” in the upper right corner of the site.
  • You can return a deleted mailbox, but only within three months after it was closed. After 90 days it will be completely erased, beyond the possibility of recovery.

E-mail is a fairly important component in the life of every person who knows how to use a computer. As a rule, there are at least two such boxes. And each one is on a different service. One for work, the other for simple messages and advertising.

It happens that some of them become unnecessary, but notifications continue to arrive. There is a need to either disable or completely delete the address. From the following article you will learn how to delete email on

This choice is due to the fact that this service is extremely popular today and is characterized by trouble-free operation. Deleting a box, just like creating it, will not take much time.

How to delete a mailbox on

This option tells you how to delete mail on “mail”, while knowing your username and password. In order to complete the process in this way, you must:

  • Go to the mail service
  • In the window that appears, enter your username and password. When writing, take into account the case of letters, as well as the language.

Attention! If you have several addresses registered on one service, you can click on the triangle next to the end of the login. Then a context menu with available users will appear. Each of them will have a password attached. When selected, it will be entered automatically.

  • Once all the data has been entered correctly, you must go to the Help link. It will be located on the top panel of the mailbox.
  • Next, you will be taken to the window with frequently asked questions. Among them will be the answer to our task: how to delete mail. Select it by left-clicking.

  • A window will open with a detailed description of the actions that need to be performed.
  • The text will contain an active link to the “Deletion Page”. Click on it.
  • This will take you to the deletion page.

  • Fill in all required fields.

Attention! You can enter anything you want in the reason for deleting the address field. This is not important.

  • Next is the current password. The delete button is pressed. After it “OK”.

How to delete mail on "mail" without a password

The first step in this situation is to recover your password. To do this, the following algorithm is performed:

  • On the mail service, under the data entry line, click on the button that says: “Forgot your password?”
  • You will be taken to the recovery window. The login and domain are indicated there.
  • Next, choose one of three ways to restore access to mail.

First way

Involves using the answer to a special question specified during registration. The correct option is entered first. After this, the code from the given image is written out. If you cannot remember the required word or phrase, use the following algorithm.

Second way

Use of a third party email address. In this case, you need to specify the mailbox to which you have access. You will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.

Third way

In the recovery window, enter an active phone number to which a message with a code will be sent. After recording, click the “Receive code via SMS” button. Enter what you received in the specified field and start the procedure for changing the password.

At the end of this process, follow the steps indicated in the first method of how to delete mail on "mail".

Long way to delete a mailbox

Unlike some other systems, automatically deletes inactive addresses. Thus, to delete a mailbox once and for all, just do the following:

  • Disable receiving notifications about new emails.
  • Stop visiting this address.

After a certain time, the server itself will delete the unused account.


This material presented the main ways to delete mail on the “mail”. Each option can be used depending on how much you remember all the necessary data.
