Where are Steam screenshots saved? Where are Steam screenshots stored? How to delete screenshots on steam

We have to figure out where the screenshots are in Steam. This question interests many users. Especially if you plan to post pictures on third-party sites. And in general, it’s interesting to see what you came up with during the game. Let's try to understand where the Steam screenshots are stored, and also try to find them on our computer.

In a programme

The first option is to view saved pictures directly in the application. As a rule, this moment does not cause any particular difficulties for users. Don't know where the screenshots are in Steam? Then it’s time to look into the community center of this or that toy. This is where you can see other people's screenshots.

Just go to the community, and then select the “Screenshots” option there. That's all. A few minutes of waiting - you can admire other people's pictures and post your own there. To make it easier to search for specific images, you can use special filters. They help you configure image display options. Just what you need if you are looking for something specific.

On the computer

But often the question of where the screenshots are located in Steam implies your own pictures. Finding them is much more difficult than those made and posted by other users. Why?

The whole problem is that all screenshots will be “stacked” in Steam into the game library. You can find it if you remember the installation path of the toy. Go through it and then select Screenshots from the folder. This is where all the pictures of a certain game that could be taken from your account will be.

True, there is another option for the development of events. It helps you figure out where the screenshots are in Steam. We are talking about using the application of the same name to view and search them.

Always have everything with you

Let's return to the Steam program. Here each user has the opportunity to view all the screenshots he has made. In addition, you have the right to post pictures in game communities. Straight from the program.

Where are the screenshots in Steam? Log in to the application, then select “View” on the control panel. You will have a long list with many lines. To see your screenshots, click on "Screenshots". Next, in the window that appears, open the “Show...” option, select the desired game there, and then view what will be offered. Important - you will not see in the list those toys in which screenshots were not taken. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be.

In one of our previous articles on steam design (“Sharing your content on Steam”), we told you how to take a screenshot. We will devote this article to the development of the topic of screenshotting in your Steam account. Don't forget that by achieving perfection in creating quality shots, you can make your page stand out from others.

Commit Settings and Saving

As you already know, screenshots are captured in Steam by pressing the “F12” button. This is done specifically so that you can capture interesting moments in the game, draw someone’s attention to them, or share your achievements.

You can reassign this function in the client settings.

In order to move to them, you need to place the cursor on “View” in the top horizontal menu, then in the vertically dropped list go to the very bottom and activate the desired line:

Once you go to the "In Game" section, you will see an assigned key that you can change:

Many Steam fans have difficulty finding captured screenshots due to the complex and incomprehensible path to them.

To get rid of this torment, you can specify your convenient storage for them (in the picture it is under the button for capturing screenshots).

In addition, you can always use the “PrtScn” button, after which the screen image will be concentrated on your clipboard.

You can insert this image, for example, by opening the Paint program from “Standard” and going to “Editing” (it is recommended to save in JPG format).

View - delete

If you took pictures during the game rally, then after the end of the action you can, without leaving your account, go to “View” “Screenshots” and analyze them.

By going to the “Loader”, you can view all the screenshots created during the last game cycle:

The lower horizontal menu contains functions that allow you to perform the necessary operations with them.

Using the first (from left to right) of the “Select all” commands, you can « Delete" all screenshots at once (penultimate key). This is true if there are a lot of them done during the session, and you don’t like them.

Deleted pictures, among other things, will free up the space allocated for you, which is limited in Steam.

You can go to view all and delete them one by one.

Each of the screenshots is deleted from the “View”:

Simply place the cursor on the one selected for deletion and press the “Delete” command.

There is another useful feature of the lower horizontal menu - “Show on disk”.

If you select a snapshot with the cursor and activate this command, you will be shown the path to the storage where the specified screen is located.

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While playing on Steam, you press F12 to take a photo. Later, if you cannot find the Steam screenshots folder in which you saved the Steam screenshots, then of course you need these screenshots find. Sometimes users encounter this problem when they wonder whether where are steam screenshots saved or where does steam save screenshots.

If you are also dealing with such a problem and are wondering where to find the Steam folder, then you have come to the right place. We'll show you a simple solution. You can use the examples in this article to place your Steam Screenshot folder. This article will also answer the following questions:

  1. Where does Steam post screenshots?
  2. How to change the Steam screenshots folder?
  3. Where are the screenshots stored?
  4. How to download Steam screenshots?

How to access the Steam screenshots folder

There are two ways to find the Steam screenshots folder. Or you can use the screenshot manager to find the location of the screenshot. Or you can access them via hard drive storage, which includes access to the Steam folder.

Method 1 – Screenshot Manager

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Steam .
  2. Press " View" in the menu that runs horizontally across the top of the Steam window

Go down and click "Screenshots» from the drop-down menu. This opens the Steam Screenshot Uploader tool.

Select any image from the preview thumbnails on the right side, then click the "Show on disk ». Steam automaticallywill open the Windows folder, where steam screenshots are saved and stored.

The Steam Screenshot Downloader tool categorizes all games along with the number of screenshots saved. you also can remove Steam screenshots, if they are not desirable for you.

Moreover, you can also upload your Steam snapshot folder or any picture to the cloud for safer storage. To do this, simply select a screenshot of the game and click the “Download” button. Soon you will click on the Steam button, which will load and your picture will be saved to the cloud.

Method 2 – Find Steam Screenshots Folder Manually on PC

You can bypass Steam and physically locate the screenshots folder. To find this folder, you must find where you installed Steam. The location varies depending on users, it could be on hard drive C, D or E.

But you can find it inProgram Files\Steam\userdata\*Steam ID*\760\remote\.

In my case I found the Steam Screenshots folder on

You will need your steam ID to find your steam screenshots folder. This ID is exclusive to your Steam login. If you have multiple games installed, each game will have its own Steam ID.

But if you can't find your Steam ID, you can open each folder until you can access the exact screenshots folder. Or you can follow these steps to track your ID:

  1. On Steam, click View " in the top menu and select " Settings".
  2. Select Interface from the left menu.
  3. Make sure you check the " Display Steam URL when available" and click OK "at the bottom of the window.

Click on your Steam profile name and select "Profile».

In the URL that appears at the top of the window just below the menu that says "Shop», « Library», « Community"etc., provide a long form number. The number is your Steam ID.

Where are screenshots stored on Steam?

Previously we explained where steam screenshots are stored. Now, if you want to define a custom location where you want to save the Steam screenshot, follow these steps;

  1. Download Steam.
  2. Click on the option "View» in the horizontal menu.
  3. In the drop-down menu, scroll down and click "Settings».
  4. In the “Settings” window that appears, click “In Game" in the menu that goes down the left side.
  5. Directly below the drop-down menu "Screenshot keyboard shortcuts » click « SCREEN FOLDER».
  6. Select where you want Steam to save screenshots by selecting a folder.

Good afternoon. The editor of the Play`N`Trade portal is with you - matros. Now I'll tell you where are steam screenshots stored?.

Screenshots on steam

Let's start with the definition. A screenshot is a capture of a moment in jpg format. That is, photographs from the game, which are taken by pressing one button (In Steam this is f12).

After you take a screenshot, it will appear in your friends’ feed. They will be able to comment and rate it.

Finding a screenshot on PC is not as easy as it seems. But I helped you find them!

As in any other game, screenshots taken are saved in a specially designated folder. By standard, it will be located inside the Steam folder. The name is “userddata” (There will be several folders with different numbers. Each folder is a separate game). But it’s not convenient to go in and look for the desired folder every time. It's much easier to open a gallery on Steam. You need to go to the “library” in Steam itself. Next, click on the game for which you want to see screenshots and click “View screenshots.”

Also, after you take screenshots and exit the game, Steam will automatically offer to save the screenshots to your computer. There you can watch them.

That's all. Today I told where are screenshots stored on steam? and how to find them. There was a sailor with you. If I could help you, please rate it! Good luck and enjoy the game!

When playing Steam games, you don't need to download third-party programs like Fraps to take beautiful screenshots. This function is available directly in the client, but first you need to enable it.

How to take screenshots on Steam

By default, to take a screenshot in the game, you just need to press the F12 key, after which you will hear a flash sound, and a new window with a screenshot will appear in the Steam overlay.

By the way, it can be uploaded to Valve’s servers, from where you can access it from any device, anywhere. To do this, you need to mark the screenshots that you want to upload to your page, and then click on the “Upload” button. The Internet must be turned on.

How to change the screenshot button on Steam

If the F12 key is somehow used in the game, every time you press it you will have a screenshot taken, which is very inconvenient. We advise you to reassign the keys either in the game itself or in Steam. To do this you need:

    • Launch the Steam client;
    • Click on the "Steam" button at the top left of the screen;
    • Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu;

  • Go to the “In Game” section;
  • Now click on the cross in the “Keyboard shortcut for screenshot” field;
  • When the field is empty (it should say “None”), left-click on it, and then click on the key on the keyboard that you want to set for creating screenshots in Steam;
  • Click OK.

Please note that in the screen settings menu, you can also change the keyboard shortcut for calling the overlay, configure the sound when taking a screenshot, display notifications, and also the process of saving an uncompressed copy.

Location of screenshots on the computer

Once you have taken a screenshot, it is automatically saved on your computer. The folder where the screenshots will be saved can be changed to any other one in the same place (Steam settings/In game/), where the keys are assigned. However, by default, screenshots are stored in the Steam root folder.

To find this folder as quickly as possible, take a screenshot, then click “Show on disk” in the additional overlay window. After this, a folder with screenshots of a particular game will open. Related folders contain screenshots from other games, if available. It is noteworthy that the folder with screenshots may have a name in numbers rather than words indicating the game. Don't be alarmed - this is how it should be!

If you want to manually find the folder with screenshots, the path to it usually looks like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\120058444\760\remote\ (the numbers may vary for each user). However, the path may vary depending on where Steam is installed and the choice for storing screenshots.

How to download a screenshot from Steam

To be able to access screenshots from any device (even a mobile phone or tablet), the screenshots must be uploaded to the server. Then you need to open your Steam profile, and on the right side of the display go to the “Screenshots” menu.

All the screenshots taken are there. For convenience, you can filter their display by creation date or game. If you logged into your profile through the official Steam website, to download a screenshot, simply open it in a new window, right-click, then click “Save picture as...”, and select the location where the screen will be located.

If you don’t have restrictions on displaying screenshots in your visibility settings, you can even download them from another account. To open or close access to displaying screenshots, click “Manage screenshots” in the menu. A submenu will appear at the top - in it you can configure the screenshots to be shown to everyone, only to friends, or only to yourself. You can also delete screenshots here.


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