Где проходит юниорский чм по хоккею. Чехович и Свечников - самые результативные

РОССИЯ - ФИНЛЯНДИЯ 1:2 ОТ (0:0; 0:1; 1:0, 0:1)

Как и положено игре на такой стадии, напряжение лишь пропорционально росло со стартового вбрасывания. Первые двадцать минут прошли с преимуществом российской сборной по броскам. Второй игровой отрезок продолжил сценарий первого - активная игра обеих команды, большое количество борьбы и атаки в обе стороны. Финской команде удалось открыть счет на шестой минуте периода, воспользовавшись своим вторым большинством в матче. Трудные минуты выдались в конце второго периода, когда сразу двое игроков сборной России поехали в штрафной бокс. Удаление перешло на начало третьего периода, было отработано, после чего Кирилл Слепец с передач Алексея Торопченко и Александра Клисунова сравнял счет в матче в равных составах. Третьего периода командам не хватило, чтобы выявить победителя. Игра перешла в овертайм, точный бросок в котором удался финскому игроку. Таким образом, Финляндия сыграет в финале турнира. Юниорская сборная России сыграет в матче за третье место со сборной Швеции.

О хоккее в Притцвоксе вы можете написать свою собственную хронику. Может быть, когда-нибудь один из бывших активистов согласится взять на себя эту задачу. Поэтому мне разрешено воспроизводить некоторые боковые огни здесь. Все о хоккее в Притцвоке было собрано, организовано и сшито на многие годы. Ничего, что не сохранилось. Вот как это происходит сегодня и как оно может продолжаться. Невозможно ответить на все полевые и внутренние чемпионаты, учитывая все возрастные группы.

Поэтому мы вспомним несколько значительных событий традиционного хоккея и просыпаемся несколько поразительных воспоминаний. Только через 3 недели состоялась учредительная встреча хоккейной секции. Запись с начала пятидесятых годов. Первым лидером секции был Эдвин Уиллерт. Немного позже, А-молодежь от чемпионов округа Притцвальк. Наибольшие успехи получили наша молодежь. Конечно, студенческая команда лидера упражнений Вейманн хотела получить титул.

После поражения в полуфинале ЮЧМ главный тренер юниорской сборной России U18 Сергей Голубович и хоккеисты команды прокомментировали ход игры.

Сергей Голубович, главный тренер сборной России U18: "Сложная была игра. На карту было поставлено многое, но мы допустили больше ошибок. Где-то мы были сильнее, где-то соперник. Но я бы не сказал, что кто-то превосходил. Решающий гол? Это следствие ошибки. Не воспользовались моментом в чужой зоне, проводили соперника, в итоге приехали к себе в зону, потеряли игрока - бросок и гол. Я не могу сказать, что Финляндия намного сильнее словаков. Они сыграли очень организовано, не в свойственной себе манере, много времени уделяли обороне, отсюда и такой счет. Завтрашний матч? Мое мнение, что нужно забыть эту игру и готовиться к завтрашней".

Чехович и Свечников - самые результативные

Заголовок, который имел надежду, потому что в этой команде большой потенциал игрока. Его также следует помнить на многих красивых турнирах с международным участием от наших тогдашних социалистических соседних стран. Спортивный идеал в наших головах дал нам внутреннюю силу для финансирования таких соревнований частично из нашего собственного кармана.

В то время наша молодежная команда имела следующий вид. Вейманн, Новак, Торманн, Бегалл, Кринке, Бабенерод. Альтенбург, Шульце, Крюгер, Лютц. Многие поклонники спорта посвятили себя хоккею даже после окончания активной карьеры. Они попали в топ-дивизию, ассоциативную лигу. Вероятно, это убедительное признание за приверженность и компетентность этих любителей спорта. Несколько лет спустя он получил Молодежную премию Федерации хоккея Германии.

Алексей Торопченко, нападающий сборной России U18: "Это игра, кому-то везет больше, кому-то - меньше. Обидно проигрывать, но мы уже готовимся к завтрашнему матчу, чтобы взять бронзовые медали. Что касается заброшенной шайбы, то там получился хороший момент – вышли из зоны, я увидел, что бежит Кирилл Слепец и решил прострелить на него. Надо хладнокровней относиться к своим моментам и из каждого стараться выжимать максимум. Сегодня нам как раз не хватило реалиизации, один раз попали в штангу. Но это хоккей. Нужно выходить на каждый матч с хорошим настроением и получать удовольствие от игры. И не стоит забывать, что без поражений не бывает побед. Надеемся, что завтра возьмем бронзу".

Отто Бумке начал, многие продолжали его работу. Мы уже поблагодарили давних инструкторов. Но в то же время на этот момент следует напомнить почетные действующие инструкторы. Мы думаем о Гюнтере Комолле, Манфреде Уутке, Вольфганге Шульце, Рене Роде, Энрико Приллвице, Майкле Боддине, Питере Бабенере и, наконец, Юрген Гутше, который также вносит свой вклад в правление департамента и всего клуба. В этой функции последовал первый руководитель секции Эдвин Уиллерт Отто Бамке. Позже в семидесятых годах Хельмут Барт, Уве Альтенбург в восьмидесятые годы.

Марк Рубинчик, защитник сборной России U18: "Думаю, все с первого периода началось, когда мы их перебросали почти в три раза, но при этом никак не могли забить. Очень тяжелый матч. Проигрывать всегда обидно, независимо от того, четвертьфинал это или полуфинал. Что касается игры за третье место, то надо выбросить из головы игру с финнами, тем более, что мы будем играть за медали, а любая награда это память на всю жизнь".

Наши команды играют хорошую роль в соответствующих лигах. Есть даже законные амбиции титула здесь и там. Каждое название чемпионата объединяет возможные возможности продвижения по службе. При каждом восхождении в более высокий раздел пути продолжаются. Остается надеяться, что хоккейный спорт в Притцхалке получит необходимую поддержку, чтобы спортивные достижения и успехи могли быть установлены на постоянной основе. Потому что непрерывность имеет огромное значение для развития спорта, особенно среди молодежи.

На этот раз ему придется прибегнуть к перестрелке, чтобы определить чемпионов. Трой Терри снова сыграл героев в перестрелках. Кленовый лист не мог отомстить в конце эпического поединка, чьи фанаты запомнят в течение долгого времени. В истории чемпионата только один финал требовал перестрелки.

США - ШВЕЦИЯ 4:3 ОТ (1:0; 1:1; 1:2, 1:0)

По материалам ФХР
Фото Steve Kingsman/HHOF-IIHF Images

– The International Ice Hockey Federation is a worldwide governing body for ice hockey and in-line hockey. It is based in Zurich, Switzerland, and has 74 members and it manages international ice hockey tournaments and maintains the IIHF World Ranking. The Hockey Canada and USA Hockey federations have their own rulebooks, decisions of the IIHF can be appealed through the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland. The IIHF museum was located within the International Hockey Hall of Fame Museum located in Kingston, after terminating the partnership with the International Hockey Hall of Fame, the IIHF signed an agreement with the NHL to house their museum within the Hockey Hall of Fame. In 1998, the IIHF museum relocated to Toronto, Ontario, as part of the centennial celebrations of the IIHFs founding, the 2008 IIHF World Championship was held in Canada. This was the first time the championships were hosted in Canada, Russia won the 2008 Championship, with Canada as the runner-up. The main functions of the IIHF are to govern, develop, another duty is to promote friendly relations among the member national associations and to operate in an organized manner for the good order of the sport. The IIHF is the body responsible with arranging the sponsorships, license rights, another purpose of the federation is to provide aid in the young players development and in the development of coaches and game officials. On the other hand, all the events of IIHF are organized by the federation along with establishing and maintaining contact with any sport federations or sport groups. The IIHF is responsible for processing the international players transfers and it is also the body that presides over ice hockey in the Olympic Games as well as over all levels of the IIHF World Championships. The federation works in collaboration with local committees when organizing its 25 World Championships, even though the IIHF runs the world championships, it is also responsible for the organization of several European club competitions such as the Champions Hockey League or the Continental Cup. The federation is governed by the body of the IIHF which is the General Congress along with the executive body. The Congress is entitled to make decisions with regard of the games rules and it is also the body that elects the president and the council or otherwise known as board. The president of the IIHF is basically the representative of the federation and he represents the federations interests in all external matters and he is also responsible that the decisions are made according to the federations statutes and regulations. The president is assisted by the General Secretary who is also the highest ranked employee of the IIHF, the International Ice Hockey Federation was founded on May 15,1908 at 34 Rue de Provence in Paris, France, as Ligue International de Hockey sur Glace. The founders of the federation were representatives from Belgium, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Louis Magnus, the French representative, was the fifth member to sign the founding document and also the first president of the LIHG. The second congress was held from January 22–25,1909 in Chamonix, playing and competitions rules were established, and an agreement was reached for an annual European Championship to be contested, beginning in 1910. The 1909 Coupe de Chamonix was contested during the congress and it was won by Princes Ice Hockey Club, representing Great Britain

В этом поразительном поражении Канада была движима своим сектором Квебека. Защитники Томас Шабо и Жереми Лаузон, а также форварды Николас Рой и Матье Иосиф, обыграли Тайлера Парсонса, заброшенного 50 шайбами ​​в основное время. Тем временем Харт проиграл Кифферу Беллоусу, сыну бывшего канадского Брайана, дважды. Чарли Макавой и Колин Уайт также нашли заднюю часть сетки, так как США дважды удваивали разрыв в два мяча.

Они выиграли четвертый титул в своей истории. «Это мечта выиграть этот турнир с этими игроками, - сказал Уайт после победы, - мы никогда не отпускали, хотя мы отставали». Канадцы отпрыгнули на льду ножом между зубами. Они плохо обращались с американцами, используя их скорость и свои плечи.

2. Чемпионат мира по хоккею с шайбой – The Ice Hockey World Championships are an annual international mens ice hockey tournament organized by the International Ice Hockey Federation. First officially held at the 1920 Summer Olympics, it is the sports highest profile annual international tournament, the IIHF was created in 1908 while the European Championships, the precursor to the World Championships, were first held in 1910. The tournament held at the 1920 Summer Olympics is recognized as the first Ice Hockey World Championship, between 1920 and 1968, the Olympic hockey tournament was also considered the World Championship for that year. The first World Championship that was held as an event was in 1930 in which twelve nations participated. In 1931, ten teams played a series of round-robin format qualifying rounds to determine which nations participated in the medal round, medals were awarded based on the final standings of the teams in the medal round. This basic format would be used until 1992, in 1951, thirteen nations took part and were split into two groups. The top seven teams played for the World Championship, the other six played for ranking purposes. During a congress in 1990, the IIHF introduced a playoff system, as the IIHF grew, more teams began to participate at the World Championships, so more pools were introduced. The modern format for the World Championship features 16 teams in the group,12 teams in Division I and 12 teams in Division II. If there are more than 40 teams, the rest compete in Division III, the teams in the championship play a preliminary round, then the top eight teams play in the playoff medal round and the winning team is crowned World Champion. Over the years, the tournament has gone through several rule changes, in 1969 body-checking in all three zones in a rink was allowed, helmets and goaltender masks became mandatory in the early 1970s and in 1992 the IIHF began using the shootout. The current IIHF rules differ slightly from the used in the NHL. The World Championships have been open to all players, both professional and amateur, since 1977, the IIHF requires that players are citizens of the country they represent and allow players to switch national teams provided that they play in their new nation for a certain period of time. Canada was the tournaments first dominant team, winning the tournament 12 times between 1930 and 1952, the United States, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Great Britain and Switzerland were also competitive during this period. The Soviet Union first participated in 1954 and soon became rivals with Canada, from 1963 until the nations breakup in 1991, the Soviet Union was the dominant team, winning 20 championships. During that period, only three other nations won medals, Canada, Czechoslovakia and Sweden, Russia first participated in 1992 and the Czech Republic and Slovakia began competing in 1993. In the 2000s, the became more open as the Big Six teams – Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Russia, Sweden. Thus, NHL players generally only participate once their respective team is eliminated from Stanley Cup contention, the 79th World Championship was held in Prague and Ostrava, Czech Republic, and was the most successful to date in terms of overall attendance

Защитники Квебека озвучили обвинение. Он схватил пас за Матье Джозефа в прорезь и скользнул шайбу под глазами Парсонса, не в положении. Лаузон взял на себя освобождение бомбы, которая сделала толпу счастливой. Но поскольку мы никогда не должны считать американцев избитыми, они поднялись на второй круг, предложив лучшую оппозицию.

Когда защищалась канадская оборона, Макэвой все время использовал в мире, чтобы выстрелить в Харта. Канада также открыла дверь, выкапывая еще один штраф за то, что слишком сильно зажат на льду. Именно тогда Беллоуз дорого заплатил за эту ошибку. Он создал галстук, отклонив выстрел от точки Адама Фокса.

4. 1967 год – January 1 – Canada begins a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of the British North America Act,1867, featuring the Expo 67 Worlds Fair. January 2 – Ronald Reagan, past movie actor and future President of the United States, is inaugurated the new governor of California, january 4 – The Doors release their début album The Doors. January 5 Spain and Romania sign in Paris an agreement establishing full consular, Charlie Chaplin launches his last film, A Countess from Hong Kong, in the UK. January 6 – Vietnam War, USMC and ARVN troops launch Operation Deckhouse Five in the Mekong Delta, january 8 – Vietnam War, Operation Cedar Falls starts. January 10 – Segregationist Lester Maddox is sworn in as Governor of Georgia, january 12 – Dr. James Bedford becomes the first person to be cryonically preserved with the intent of future resuscitation. January 13 – A military coup occurs in Togo under the leadership of Étienne Eyadema, january 14 The New York Times reports that the U. S. Army is conducting secret germ warfare experiments. The Human Be-In takes place in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, january 15 Louis Leakey announces the discovery of pre-human fossils in Kenya, he names the species Kenyapithecus africanus. The United Kingdom enters the first round of negotiations for European Economic Community membership in Rome, American football, The Green Bay Packers defeat the Kansas City Chiefs 35-10 in the First AFL-NFL World Championship Game at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. January 18 Albert DeSalvo is convicted of crimes and sentenced to life in prison. Jeremy Thorpe becomes leader of the UKs Liberal Party, a Fistful of Dollars, the first significant spaghetti Western film, is released in the United States. January 23 In Munich, the trial begins of Wilhelm Harster and he is eventually sentenced to 15 years in prison. Milton Keynes is founded as a new town by Order in Council and its initial designated area enclosed three existing towns and twenty one villages. The area to be developed was largely farmland, with evidence of permanent settlement dating back to the Bronze Age, january 26 – The Parliament of the United Kingdom decides to nationalise 90% of the British steel industry. January 27 Apollo 1, U. S. astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward Higgins White, the United States, Soviet Union and United Kingdom sign the Outer Space Treaty. January 31 – West Germany and Romania establish diplomatic relations, February 2 – The American Basketball Association is formed. February 3 – Ronald Ryan becomes the last man hanged in Australia, February 4 – The Soviet Union protests the demonstrations before its embassy in Beijing. February 5 NASA launches Lunar Orbiter 3, italys first guided missile cruiser, the Vittorio Veneto, is launched. General Anastasio Somoza Debayle becomes president of Nicaragua, February 6 – Alexei Kosygin arrives in the UK for an 8-day visit

Поэтому таблица была установлена ​​для третьего эпического периода. Квебекеры продолжали отличную работу. Рой выстрелил в массивную атаку, и Джозеф снова ударил, забив свой первый турнир. Представители страны дяди Сэма заполнили этот пробел, к отчаянию любителей.

Сильфоны сначала давали надежду своим людям, понижая уровень децибела на одну йоту. Белый заставил замолчать аудиторию. Хорошо скрытый в устье сети, он закончил искусную постановку Фокс. Равномерность продолжалась после сумасшедшего расширения, в то время как у зрителей было больше гвоздей, чтобы грызть. Терри закрыл книги в перестрелке.

5. 1977 год – January 3 – Apple Computer is incorporated. January 6 – Record company EMI drops the controversial United Kingdom punk rock group the Sex Pistols, january 8 – Three bombs explode in Moscow within 37 minutes, killing seven. The bombings are attributed to an Armenian separatist group, january 9 – Legendary rock band Toto is founded by David Paich and Jeff Porcaro in Van Nuys, Los Angeles. January 10 Mount Nyiragongo erupts in eastern Zaire, ocean Park opens in Hong Kong. January 15 – Linjeflyg Flight 618 crashes into the Kälvesta area of Stockholm, january 17 Gary Gilmore is executed by firing squad in Utah. 49 marines from the USS Trenton and USS Guam perished in the waters of the Barcelona harbour, january 18 Scientists identify a previously unknown bacterium as the cause of the mysterious Legionnaires disease. Australias worst railway disaster at Granville, near Sydney, leaves 83 people dead, SFR Yugoslavia Prime minister Džemal Bijedić, his wife and 6 others are killed in a plane crash in Bosnia and Herzegovina. January 19 U. S. President Gerald Ford, on his full day in office. Snow falls in Miami for the time in its history. Snowfall has occurred farther south in the United States only on the mountains of the state of Hawaii. January 20 – Jimmy Carter is sworn in as President of the United States, january 21 – U. S. President Jimmy Carter pardons Vietnam War draft evaders. January 23 – Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India calls for elections to the Lok Sabha. January 23 – Roots begins its phenomenally successful run on ABC, january 24 – The Massacre of Atocha occurs during the Spanish transition to democracy. January 26 – Katimavik is founded as a service organization for Canadian youths. January 28 – The Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977 hits Buffalo, New York, january 31 – The Centre Georges Pompidou is officially opened by French President Valéry Giscard dEstaing. February 2 – The Congress party of India, led by Indira Gandhi, splits with Jagjivan Ram and other senior leaders and this party later merges with the Janata Party. February 4 – Fleetwood Macs Grammy-winning album Rumours is released in the United States, February 7 The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 24 to dock with the Salyut 5 space station. Londons newly revived International Times proclaims for the first time that punk is dead, February 15 – The first Aardman Animations character, Morph, is introduced on British childrens television show Take Hart

Представляя на пресс-конференции перед игрой, технический специалист Клужа Дан Петреску сказал: Важно не терять. Мирча Скутельнику, президент команды Гарцени, сразу же после игры отреагировал, сказав, что судья Сильвиу Попа решительно отнесся к трем из четырех голов, забитых сулетеней.

Более 40% домашних хозяйств и около 70% промышленных предприятий, особенно в энергетическом секторе, используют природный газ в качестве источника тепла и тепла. У них было отношение и характер. Он самый длинный монарх в мире, и в истории Британии он имеет самое длинное царствование, обгоняя королеву Викторию 9 сентября.

7. Кауфбойрен – Kaufbeuren is an independent town in the Regierungsbezirk of Swabia, Bavaria. The town is enclaved within the district of Ostallgäu. Kaufbeuren Hirschzell Kemnat Neugablonz Oberbeuren Stefan Bosse is the Lord Mayor of Kaufbeuren since November 2004 and he was reelected in March 2014 with 57,48 % of the votes. Townhall Crescentiakloster Historic Old Town with partially conserved, historic city wall St. -Martins-Kirche Fünfknopfturm St. When seized by the United States Army in May 1945 at the end of World War II it was discovered to be the location of Nazi Partys top secret FA signals intelligence. After serving as a U. S. airbase during the period, the field was ultimately returned to the town. The Tänzelfest is a festival, which takes place usually at the end of June, children re-enact the history of the town in traditional costume. There are a lot of events at this time, ferrara, Italy Szombathely, Hungary Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic Kaufbeuren. Official website kunsthaus kaufbeuren Tänzelfest in Kaufbeuren Details zur Stadtgeschichte Kaufbeurens

В возрасте 50 лет молдавский боец ​​Виорел Маринеску выиграл титул чемпиона мира по дзюдо среди ветеранов в категории 100 кг плюс. Папа, нам удалось получить номер 1 39, который отправил меня. Адриан Кручат, тренер Сораны Сирье, рассказал о победе романтики и о четверть-матче с Еленой Остапенко. Сорана очень зрелая и знает, что делать.

Но после сокрушительной победы над Марией Шараповой все стало намного легче. Кто может встретиться с Симоной Халеп, дальше? Гривы являются дополнением к «определению» румынского футболиста, которого нет, если он не развлекается с лаутарами! Динамо - Конкордия. У Мириуцы есть только вариант победы в матче со своей бывшей командой.

8. Фюссен – Füssen is a town in Bavaria, Germany, in the district of Ostallgäu, situated 5 kilometres north from the Austrian border. It has a population of 15,265, the town is known for its violinmaking industry, and as the closest transportation hub for the castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau. The original name of Füssen was Foetes, or Foetibus, which derives from Latin Fauces, meaning gorge, in Late Antiquity Füssen was the home of a part of the Legio III Italica, which was stationed there to guard the important trade route over the Alps. Füssen later became the site of the Hohes Schloss, the summer residence of the prince-bishops of Augsburg. Below the Hohes Schloss is the Baroque complex of the former Benedictine monastery of St. Mang, Füssen has Saint Mang as its patron saint. He and his Benedictine brother Theodor were two monks from the Abbey of Saint Gall and are considered to be its founders, in addition to the Monastery of Kempten, Magnus original burial place was in the small chapel he built. His bones were transferred to the crypt of the built in 850. Around the year 1100 all his bones disappeared, in 1745, the Treaty of Füssen was signed between the Electorate of Bavaria and Habsburg Austria, ending Bavarias participation in the War of the Austrian Succession. During the 19th century, composer Richard Wagner used to come to Füssen by railway when he visited King Ludwig II of Bavaria, under the Nazi Party, Füssen was within the administrative division of Gau Swabia. During World War II, a sub-camp of the Dachau concentration camp was located in the town, since the 1950s the town has been familiar to travellers as the southern terminus of the Romantic Road. Füssen was host to the 1988 World Junior Curling Championships, Füssen is located on the banks of the Lech River, which flows into the Forggensee. The Forggensee is a lake which was built to prevent flooding. It is the catchment area for all the snow in the spring. Füssen is the highest town in Bavaria,808 meters above sea level), the castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohehschwangau are located near the town. The High Castle houses a gallery of the Bavarian State Collections of Paintings. The oldest fresco in Germany can be found in the crypt of St Mangs Basilica and it dates back to about the year 980. St Mangs Feast Day is commemorated with a Holy Mass followed by a procession by torchlight through the old part of the city, during the week of the Saints Feast a special Magnus Wine is sold, with only 500 bottles produced. Known beyond Füssen is the success of EV Füssen, the local Oberliga ice hockey club, the local newspaper for Füssen is the Allgäuer Zeitung, printed daily except Sundays and on Holy Days of Obligation

9. Вайнфельден – Weinfelden is a municipality in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland. It is the capital of the district of the same name, Weinfelden is an old town, which was known during Roman times as Quivelda. Weinfelden is mostly known throughout Switzerland for its team, HC Thurgau which is currently playing in the Swiss National League B. Already in the year 124 AD, there was a Roman bridge over the Thur in Weinfelden, the name Weinfelden appears the first time in a document from 838. Weinfelden was by far the biggest town in the canton of Thurgau, in 1798, Paul Reinhart and his committee led the area to freedom from the domination of the Eidgenossen. In 1803, Thurgau became an independent canton, through the mediation of Napoleon, in 1830, Thomas Bornhauser spoke to a large crowd in Weinfelden, demanding a liberal constitution for the canton. It is one of the first such document, portraits of both Paul Reinhart and Thomas Bornhauser hang in the Rathaus. Since it lies in the middle of the canton, part of the administration is located in the town. The grand council of the meets in Weinfelden during the winter. Weinfelden has an area, as of 2009, of 15.5 square kilometers, of this area,7.98 km2 or 51. 5% is used for agricultural purposes, while 3.48 km2 or 22. 5% is forested. Of the rest of the land,3.9 km2 or 25. 2% is settled,0.18 km2 or 1. 2% is either rivers or lakes. Of the built up area, industrial buildings made up 11. 6% of the area while housing and buildings made up 3. 9%. Power and water infrastructure as well as other developed areas made up 1. 4% of the area while parks. Out of the land,20. 1% of the total land area is heavily forested and 2. 4% is covered with orchards or small clusters of trees. Of the agricultural land,43. 3% is used for growing crops, all the water in the municipality is flowing water. Weinfelden has a population of 11,187 As of 2008,19. 9% of the population are foreign nationals, over the last 10 years the population has changed at a rate of 6. 5%. Most of the population speaks German, with Italian being second most common, as of 2008, the gender distribution of the population was 49. 9% male and 50. 1% female. The population was made up of 3,903 Swiss men, there were 4,116 Swiss women, and 901 non-Swiss women

10. Клотен – Kloten is a municipality in the district of Bülach in the canton of Zürich in Switzerland, and belongs to the Glatt Valley. Kloten is first mentioned in 1155 as Chlotun, Kloten is located in the Glatt Valley, some 10 km north of the city of Zürich. It is the nearest village to Zürich Airport, and the airport terminal, Kloten has an area of 19.3 km2. Of this area,34. 1% is used for agricultural purposes, of the rest of the land,38. 2% is settled and the remainder is non-productive. Kloten has a population of 18,412, as of 2007,26. 8% of the population was made up of foreign nationals. Over the last 10 years the population has grown at a rate of 6. 4%, most of the population speaks German, with Italian being second most common and Serbo-Croatian being third. In the 2007 election the most popular party was the SVP which received 46. 1% of the vote, the next three most popular parties were the SPS, the CSP and the FDP. The age distribution of the population is children and teenagers make up 19. 2% of the population, while adults make up 68. 3%, in Kloten about 70. 3% of the population have completed either non-mandatory upper secondary education or additional higher education. Kloten has an unemployment rate of 3. 12%, the historical population is given in the following table, There is one library providing books, DVDs, newspapers, etc. The passenger terminal of Zürich Airport lie in the west of the municipality of Kloten, a large amount of ground transportation infrastructure, both road and rail, serves the airport and, to a lesser extent, the rest of Kloten. Kloten is linked with Zürich via the A51 motorway and with Bülach via the same motorway and it also lies on roads taking to many places, such as Winterthur to the east. There are three stations within the municipality. Zürich Airport station is situated in the basement of the airport terminal, Kloten station and Balsberg station are served by S-Bahn line S7. The west of the municipality is served by Zürich tram routes 10 and 12. The trams serve stops at Zürich Airport, and at Balsberg station, Swiss International Air Lines has an office on the property of Zürich Airport and in Kloten, consisting of the Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie buildings. Swiss World Cargo has its office in the Alpha and Bravo buildings. Swiss Private Aviation has its office in the Swiss complex. The corporate offices for Swissôtel are located in the Prioria Business Center on the property of Zürich Airport, when Swissair existed, its head office was on the property of Zürich Airport and in Kloten
