Тесты английскому языку 7 кл. Какой атрибут был употреблен ошибочно

Итоговый тест для 7 класса по английскому языку на темы:

Настоящее время, вопросительные предложения, разделительный вопрос, степени сравнения прилагательных, предлоги места, простое прошедшее время, множественное число существительных.

Время, отведенное на выполнение работы, составляет 1 час 15 минут.

Задачи, оцениваемые в 2 балла.

  1. Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный вариант.

It often (a)snows b)is snowing c) snowed d) snowing e) snow ) in winter in our place.

  1. Выберите правильное вопросительное слово для данного предложения.

Holiday do English people celebrate in October?

  1. which b) when c) where d) how e) what
  1. Из приведенных ниже имен прилагательных, выберите слово, противоположное по значению слову happy.
  1. funny b) bad c) cunning d) sad e) nice
  1. Подберите правильный «хвостик» к предложению.

They left for London 3 days ago,…

a) do they b) did they c) do not they d) did not they e) will they

5. Найдите ошибку в степенях сравнения прилагательных.

a) funny-funnier-the funniest

  1. good-better-the best
  2. hot-hoter-the hottest

d) famous- more famous-the most famous

  1. ) little - less - the least

6. В каком случае вспомогательный глагол does стоит верно?

a) When does your sister go to school?

b) I does not like apples.

c) Who does go to school every day?

d) They does not play tennis very well.

e) My friends does not read many books.

7. Во всех словах не хватает одной буквы.

Ellow,-oung, -ard, -es.

Какая это буква?

  1. y b) o c) w d) u e) h

8. Какое слово лишнее в этой цепочке?

a) a dress b) a skirt c) a shirt d) a blouse e) coat

9. Какое предложение верное? Обрати внимание на порядок слов.

a) He sometimes plays tennis on Sundays in the park.

b) Sometimes he plays baseball in the park on Sundays.

c) On Sundays he plays sometimes tennis in the park.

d) He sometimes plays in baseball on Sundays in the park.

e) Sometimes he plays tennis on Sundays in the park.

10. Выберите правильную пару глаголов для этих предложений.

It ________sunny yesterday morning. My friend and I ______to the park.

  1. was, took b) saw, went c) was, played d) was, went e) is, go

Задачи, оцениваемые в 3 балла.

11. Даны наречия, которые употребляются с разными временными формами английского глагола. Выберите то, которое является показателем Present Perfect Tense.

  1. tomorrow b) yesterday c) often d) already e) now

12. В четырех из пяти приведенных ниже примеров есть ошибки. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. He have already done his homework.
  2. My mother will coming to us tomorrow.
  3. He is watching TV now.
  4. She go to the swimming pool every day.
  5. My parents visit often our Granny.

13. Какое слово указывает на время глагола в этом предложении?

We went to Moscow _______summer.

  1. last b) this c) next d) that e) in

14. Выберите нужный предлог.

There is a big table ______the TV-set and the sofa.

  1. behind b) in front of c) between d) to the left of e) to the right of

15. Во всех случаях, кроме одного подходит этот «хвостик»: doesn’t she.

Найдите неверное предложение.

  1. My Granny likes to drink tea
  2. My sister goes to school every day
  3. I can play tennis very well
  4. My mother always cooks dinner for us
  5. Our teacher often gives us good marks

16. Вот атрибуты Рождества:

a) chimney b) presents c) stockings d) pumpkin e) fire-place

Какой атрибут был употреблен ошибочно?

17. Прочитайте рассказ и определите, в каком времени ведется повествование.

a) Present Progressive b) Present Simple c) Past Simple d) Future Simple e) Present Perfect

Susan went to the castle with her Grandparents. This castle was built many years ago. Susan saw how the people lived in the past. She saw where they slept and where they ate. They also saw the food, people ate in the past. These were apples, oranges, bananas, meat and cheese. Susan and her Granny liked visiting the castle very much. But Susan’s Grandfather didn’t like it.

18. Подберите верный перевод для этого предложения.

My mother’s hair is as long as my sister’s hair.

  1. Мои волосы длиннее, чем волосы моей мамы.
  2. Волосы моей сестры длиннее, чем волосы моей мамы.
  3. Волосы моей мамы длиннее, чем волосы моей сестры.
  4. Волосы моей мамы такие же длинные, как волосы моей сестры.
  5. Волосы моей мамы не такие же длинные, как волосы моей сестры.

19. Какое вежливое выражение является ответом на эту реплику?

Would you like another cup of tea?

  1. No, I don’t.
  2. Yes, I want to drink one more cup.
  3. Oh, no. It’s too hot.
  4. With pleasure.
  5. Yes, I like.

20. Среди правильных глаголов есть один неправильный. Найди его.

a) look b) watch c) play d) go e) wash

Задачи, оцениваемые в 5 баллов.

21. С этими именами существительными можно употребить неопределенный артикль «а». И лишь в одном случае это будет «аn». Найдите это слово.

a) crocodile b) elephant c) picture d) holiday e) policeman

22. Данные имена существительные образуют множественное число по правилам. Найдите исключение.

a) a dog b) a newspaper c) a book d) a sweater e) a man

23. На какой из 5 вопросов можно дать такой ответ?

It has three stripes on it.

  1. What does the Russian flag have?
  2. What does the American flag have?
  3. How is the American flag called?
  4. What color are the stripes on the American flag?
  5. How many stripes does the Russian flag have?

24. Подберите варианты окончаний для этой известной пословицы.

Better late than _________, but better never __________.

  1. late, learn
  2. never, never
  3. early, never
  4. good, bad
  5. never, late

25. Прочитайте отрывок из известной книги и назовите ее.

A young boy lives near the sea with his mother. They have a good inn. One day Billy Bones comes to the inn, and from that day things are different. Billy watches the sea and the ships. He is afraid of somebody. But what or who is he afraid of? Very soon Jim understands everything. Billy has a map. Many people are interested in this map. Jim gets the map and looks for treasures. He meets different people. Among them was Long John Silver, a man with one leg.

  1. “Sherlock Holmes Stories”.
  2. “Treasure Island”.
  3. “The last of the Mohicans”.
  4. “The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”.
  5. “The Lord of the Rings”.

26. В данной цепочке слов 4 слова прилагательные, найдите слово другой части речи.

a) hospitable b) young c) kind d) honest e) victory

27. Из 5 слов, приведенных ниже, одно слово включает в себя название всех пяти (является общим понятием для этих четырех слов). Какое это слово?

  1. cats b) dogs c) tigers d) animals e) foxes

28. Прочитайте описание комнаты и назовите ее.

It is a room with lovely furniture, carpets on the floor and on the wall. There is a fireplace in the corner of the room. There is a TV-set to the right of the fireplace. People often sit together in this room. Sometimes they watch TV or speak with each other.

  1. a living room
  2. a bathroom
  3. a hall
  4. a bedroom
  5. a kitchen

29. C 4 из 5 слов мы употребляем местоимение «many», a c одним словом «much».

Найди это слово.

  1. apples b) juice c) sweets d) books e) pens

30. Каким общим словом можно охарактеризовать этот прием пищи?

Toast with marmalade, porridge, tea or coffee or cornflakes with milk.

  1. breakfast b) lunch c) dinner d) traditional English breakfast

e) packed lunch for English schoolchildren

Итоговая тестовая работа по английскому языку в 7Б классе

27-30 баллов = “5 ” 90-100%

22-26 балла = “4 ” 75-89%

17-21 балла = “3 ” 60- 74%

Менее 16 баллов = “2 ” менее 59%


Часть 1 Часть 2 Часть 3 Часть 4 Часть 5

1 – c 1 – c 1 – b 1 – b 1 - a

2 – b 2 – a 2 – c 2 – b 2 - b

3 – d 3 – e 3 – a 3 – c 3 - c

4 – a 4 – f 4 – a 4 – a 4 - a

5 – g 5 – g 5 – c 5 – c 5 - a

6 – e 6 – b 6 – b 6 – b 6 - b

Итоговая тестовая работа по английскому языку в 7Б классе.

Часть 1

Прочти микротексты и подбери к ним заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

    1. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. My parents are doctors. They work at the hospital. My brother is a good sportsman. My sister is a little girl.

    2. I go to school 5 times a week. I like going to school. I like my friends and teachers. I like English. At the English lesson we speak, read and write. I like speaking and reading English very much.

    3. Kate likes animals. She has a cat, a dog, and fishes. Her cat pussy is old. She is 14. She is grey. She likes fish and meat. She doesn’t play. She always sleeps. Kate’s dog Jim is young. He is 2.He is black. He likes running and jumping. He always plays with Kate.

    4. Tom likes Sunday. On Sunday he gets up late. He doesn’t go to school. On Sunday he walks, plays with friends in the yard, read books or watches TV. He plays computer games every Sunday. He loves it very much.

    5. I have many friends. They are boys and girls. Their names are Bill, Tom, Sam, Elly and Ann. Tom is a good sportsman. He plays hockey, football and basketball very well. Bill loves reading. He reads books about children and animals. The girls like singing and dancing.

    6. We like many sports and games. We like playing football, basketball, volley-ball, tennis, ping-pong, and hockey. We like skating and skiing. We run and jump, swim and drive. We like sports very much.

A a. Tom’s Sunday

B b. At School

C c. My Family

D d. Kate’s Pets

E e. Sports

F f. Books

G g. My Friends

Часть 2

Прочти шесть текстов и найди соответствия между содержанием текстов и утверждениями. Одно утверждение лишнее.

    1. My name is Isabel. I live in a hotel. I get up at 6 o’clock and have breakfast. At 8 o’clock in the morning I begin to work. In the afternoon I meet my friends.

    2. His mother is a shop assistant. Tom’s mother works every day. But she doesn’t work on Saturday. Now she is at home. She is watching TV.

    3. Mary is a schoolgirl. She is eight. She goes to school 5 days a week. Mary is a good pupil.

    4. Mr. Jones has a new office. There is a desk, a telephone, a computer there. Mr. Jones is sitting at the desk; he is speaking with his secretary. He likes his works.

    5. My friend Will usually has eggs, cornflakes and orange juice for breakfast. He never drinks coffee. Today he is drinking tea with milk.

    6. Pete’s farm is in the country. There is a garden with flowers near the house. His wife is working in the garden and his children are playing in the yard. There are a lot of pigs, sheep and cows on the farm.

A a. Tom’s mothers works on Sunday

B b. There are no horses on the farm

C c. I have breakfast at 7 o’clock

D d. I have a computer at home

E e. She can write and read well

F f. Mr. Jones enjoys working

G g. My friend sometimes has tea with milk for breakfast

Часть 3

Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ

The family is at home.

My name is Helen. I have got a large family. We are busy. My parents go to work five times a week. They don’t work on Sa Saturday and Sunday. My sister goes to the Institute every day. She is a student. Her name is Alice. Now Alice is talking a s shower in the bathroom. My brothers go to school. Their names are Jake and David. They are good pupils. Now Jake and D David are having breakfast. They are good eaters.

I I am not a pupil. I am six. But I can read very well. Now I am reading a very interesting fairy tale. It’s eight o’clock. Our pa parents are leaving home for work now. My Granny is cooking. She is a good cook. I like to eat cabbage soup and pies th with meat and rice. My Granny often makes it for me. Granddad is watching TV now. He likes to watch sport programs on on TV. My Granddad doesn’t work. He is a pensioner. We have got pets. They are a dog and a cat. The dog is playing on the th carpet near the armchair now. The cat is drinking milk. My family is friendly and hospitable.

1 . How many times a week do Helen’s parents go to work?

    They go to work on Saturday and Sunday.

    They go to work 5 times a week.

    They go to work 4 times a week.

2 . What is Alice doing now?

    She is going to the Institute.

    The takes a shower.

    She is talking a shower.

3 . How old is Helen?

b) Helen is eight.

c) She is eleven.

4 . Can Helen read or write well?

a) Helen can read well.

b) Helen can read and write well.

c) Helen can write well.

5 . What does Helen like to eat?

a) She likes to eat cabbage salad.

b) She likes to eat sweet pies.

c) She likes to eat cabbage soup and pies with meat and rice.

6 . Where is the dog playing?

a) The dog is playing near the bed.

b) The dog is playing on the carpet.

c) The dog is playing near the chair.

Часть 4

Прочитай текст и выбери правильную форму глагола

My name (1) … Mary. I am five. I (2) … to school. I (3) … on computer now. I often (4) ... it in the evening. My dad (5) … his car at this moment. My brother always (6) ... him.

1 . 1 . a) am b) is c) are

2 . 2 . a) isn’t going b) don’t go c) doesn’t go

3. 3. a) play b) are playing c) am playing

4 . 4. a) do b) does c) am doing

5 . 5. a) wash b) washes c) is washing

6 . 6. a) is helping b) helps c) help

Часть 5

Прочитай предложение и выбери правильное слово

1 . 1. He goes…. school.

a) a) to b) in c) at

a) a) summer b) spring c) winter

3 . 3. Ann has tea…..breakfast.

a) a) on b) at c) for

4 . 4. Sam plays volley-ball…..

a) a) well b) good c) fine

5 . 5. I….. go to a sport club.

a) a) sometimes b) early c) late

6 . 6. Bob….. his car.

a) a) listens to b) drives c) swims

Итоговый лексико - грамматический тест . 7 класс .

Choose the right variant:

    It___ rain yesterday.

a) didn’t b) won’t c) isn’t

2. What is your _____name?

a) sister b) sister’s c) sisters’

3. She didn’t see __________

a) nothing b) anything c) something

4. ______ cheese in the fridge.

a) There is b) There are c) It is

5. Yesterday he _______ work hard.

a) must b) had to c) has to

6. Betty doesn’t make _____ jam.

a) much b) many c) a

7.______ apples are nice.

a) That b) This c) These

8. The ________ are in Moscow now.

a) Black b) Blacks c) Black’s

9. Tom _______ in Moscow last year.

a) is b) was c) were

10 . This book is ________ than that book.

a) worse b) the worst c) bad

11. He is ______ teacher in that school.

a) the best b) best c) better

12. Let’s buy _____ cassette.

a) second b) the second c) two

a) helps b) help c) to help

14. What ______tasty cakes!

a)a b) the c)____

15. Once I saw a cat _______liked jam.

a) who b) which c) what

II. Open the brackets. Put the words into the correct form .

      I already (to see) Ann at school.

      They (to have) dinner at 5 o’clock yesterday.

      The boys (to play) chess in the sitting room now.

      When he (to go) to the cinema last week?

      What time she usually (to water) the plants?

      Why the baby (to cry) in the garden now?

      Where they just (to buy) meat?

      Your farther (to take) you fishing tomorrow.

III. Make questions to the underlined words .

    He has read three books this month.

    Ann saw it yesterday.

    They usually go to school at 8 o’clock .

    She is sitting at the airport now.

    He will write a new book next year.

    They went to the forest to gather mushrooms .

IV. Choose the right variant

    We’ve got many _________in the__________ at school

a) desks, classroom c) pupils, bag

b) subjects, bookcase d) homework, timetable

2. Hares have got very long ___________ but very short _____________

a) ears, shoulders c) eyes, tails

b) eyes, fingers d)ears, tails

3. ______________ are usually days off. People call them “weekend”.

a) Tuesday and Wednesday

b) Sunday and Saturday

c) Monday and Tuesday

d) Saturday and Monday

4. When you want to see your nose or eyes, you look in the _______________

a) wardrobe c) bag

b) dark d) mirror

5. People built many beautiful buildings in the 19 th ______________

a) year c) hundreds years

b) century d) season

6. How long does it ___________you to get to school?

a) become c) come

7. Is your computer ____________? – No, it is rather expensive.

a) wide c) cheap

b) difficult d) expensive

8. What are you doing at the ___________? ---I’m waiting for my train to come.

a) airport c) railway station

b) seaside d) bus stop

9. You can go on a wonderful voyage__________

a) by a through train c) on board the ship

b) at the airport d) by plane

10. I put a ________ on my letter because I wanted to send it to my American

a) badge c) stamp

b) coin d) ticket

11.__________ is something people do in their free time.

a) Homework c) Housework

b) Hobby d) Trip

12. There are some houses in a _______________

a) island c) settlement

b) continent d) city

13. He was born in America, so he is a _________ American.

b) native d) sail

14. There are many ___________- in the world

a) states c) friendship

b) countries d) money

15. My mother goes to the ________to buy bread every day.

a) shop c) dining – room

b) magazine d) library

16. This is my stop. I have to ----------.

a) get off c) miss it

Описание работы: Предлагаю вам итоговую контрольную работу по английскому языку в 7 классе, УМК Биболетова М.З. Работа содержит тестовые задания по двум видам речевой деятельности: «Чтение» и «Грамматика и лексика». Данный материал рассчитан на 45 мин, задания направлены на обобщение и контроль пройденного материала. К контрольной работе прилагаются ключи, которые делают возможным использовать ее не только учителями, но и учащимися для самостоятельной подготовки.

Цель: выявить уровень сформированности знаний, умений и навыков учащихся в соответствии с целями и задачами изученных грамматических тем «Образование времён Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple в действительном и страдательном залогах», «Артикль с географическими названиями», «Модальные глаголы should, must, have to» и «Условные предложения 1 и 2 типа», а также уровень владения лексическими единицами.


1. Выявить моменты, недостаточно изученные учащимися;

2.. Закрепить грамматические и лексические навыки;

3. Обобщить полученные знания.

Раздаточный материал: каждому учащемуся дается листочек с заданиями.

1. Reading .

1. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A. The vitamins make your bones hard.

B. Tastes differ.

C. You can’t live without food.

D. Vitamins and the ABC.

Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that it gets the things it needs to work properly.

Food helps us to keep warm, gives us the energy to walk, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.

Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the letters of the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills or tablets vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

2. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

2. To get vitamins you need to buy pills. _______

3. Vitamin C is important for our skin. _______

4. You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ________

2. Grammar-lexical test

Choose the right form:

1. Her parents want … to behave well at school.

a) him b) her c) she

2. During World War II many cities … by the German army.

a) were occupied b) occupied c) will be occupied

3. My neighbour is a lecturer; she ... French at the university.

a) studies b) learns c) teaches

4. If you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him.

a) visit b) will visit c) visited

5. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went b) go c) goed

6. Is … Indian Ocean bigger than … Atlantic Ocean ?

a) ---, the b) the, the c) the, --- d) ---, ---

7. I eat too much chocolate. I really … stop.

a) should b) have to c) must

8. The man … answered the phone was really rude.

a) who b) which c) when

9. Hockey … in winter.

a) was played b) are played c) is played

10. If I had the money, I … that car.

a) buy b) would buy c) will buy

11. My brother … his face every morning.

a) washed b) wash c) washes

12. You … consult a doctor.

a) must b) have to c) should

13. The CD … you gave me for my birthday is my favourite now.

a) who b) which c) why

14. Tomorrow I … my partner at the airport.

a) will meet b) meets c) will meets

15. … Moscow is … capital of … Russia .

a) ---, ---. ---- b) ----, the, --- c) the, ---, the

16. Alex … to Moscow next week.

a) will be sent b) was sent c) is sent

17. She was carefully ..... the map.

a) studying b) learning c) teaching

18. In many countries, men … do military service.

a) should b) must c) have to


2. Grammar-lexical test

Test. 7 form. Улыбина Т.Н.



1–5 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3 .

1. The excursion is taking place in




2. In the port one can see

tourist liners

cargo ships

fishing boats

3. The tourist guide is going to bring the tourists to the ship, which was

built by the local people

found at the bottom of the sea

brought from abroad

4. The tourists are going to have lunch

on board a ship

in a local restaurant

on the beach

5. The guide"s grandfather was

a captain

a cook

a writer

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ

Прочитайте текст. Задание 1. Соотнесите название параграфа с его порядковым номером в тексте, заполните таблицу. Задание 2. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True ), а какие не соответствуют (False ).

Healthy Food

1.Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.

2.Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.

3.Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.

4.Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.

    Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

A) The vitamin to make your hard.

B) Tastes differ.

C) You can’t live without food.

D) Vitamins and the ABC.

    Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

A)When we enjoy eating our body gets everything to work well. ______

B)To get vitamins you need to buy pills. ______

C)Vitamin C is important for our skin. ______

D)You can get vitamin D only when eating special food. ______


    Внимательно прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный ответ. Обведите ответ в кружок.

    Выразите значение следующих предложений, используя страдательный залог.

    Переведите предложения на русский язык.

I Choose the right variant.

1. Have you ever ... to France?

A be B was C been D were

2. I ... a letter to my friend now.

A am writing B write C will write D would write

3. David ... football tomorrow.

A will play B has played C play D plays

4. Kate ... already … her home work.

A have … done B did… done C has …done D does … do

5. Yesterday the boys ... the game.

A loose B would lose C have lost D lost

6. Our students ... part in the competition the day after tomorrow.

A will take B took C taked D take

7. He always ... his niece with her homework.

A help B helped C will help D helps

8. I usually ... my parents in the evening.

A helped B helps C help D will help

9. Where is Mary? She is in her room. She ... .

A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping D will sleep

10. Nick ... to school every day.

A goes B went C go D will go

II Write the sentences in passive voice.

    Pupils use computers at their lessons.

    Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21 st of May.


    They will arrange a nice picnic next week.


    The little girl drew these funny pictures.


    The teacher punished the naughty boy.


III Translate into Russian.

    What is he doing now? – He is listening to jazz.

    A new house will be built next year.


    Her daughters enjoy figure skating.


    We must be at the station at 7 o"clock in the evening.


    I am proud of my family.


Раздел 4. ПИСЬМО

You have got a letter from your friend Ben. He is going to take an English course in Malta. You want to join him but you need more information about the course. To complete the e-mail a sk about the following:

    the starting date of the course

    the price

    the sports facilities

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. I think I’d like to take this course too. Can you let me know more details about it?

1) _________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________

Best wishes,





Student Card

Speak about your typical school day. Use the questions as a plan.

    What time do you usually wake up on weekdays?

    How many lessons do you usually have?

    What do you do after school?

The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then the teacher will ask you some questions.

Материалы для учителя

Тексты для аудирования

Сейчас Вы будете выполнять задания по аудированию. Текст прозвучит 2 раза. После первого и второго прослушивания у Вас будет время для выполнения и проверки заданий. Все паузы включены в аудиозапись. Остановка и повторное воспроизведение аудиозаписи не предусмотрены.

Вы услышите экскурсовода Монику Питт. В заданиях 1–5 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3 , соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите текст дважды . У вас есть 1 минута, чтобы ознакомиться с заданиями.

Now we are ready to start.

Hi, everybody! My name is Monica Pitt. And I’m happy to see you here. It’s nice that our excursion was scheduled for this particular day. I think we are very lucky with the weather today. It’s not typical for this season. Late October feels more like summer. I hope this lasts.

I’ll show you a very interesting place of our town - the port. It’s actually the place around which the town was built. In the past there was only a small fishing village here. It’s a bit disappointing that neither modern tourist liners nor heavy cargo ships come into the harbour these days. They are too huge for our shallow waters. You can see here only fishing boats and small yachts. They feel safe and good here. Relatively safe, of course. Our local people say “You should never trust the sea.” And I think they are right. I remember several boats that went under the water quite unexpectedly. Some of them were found afterwards, and the others weren’t.

Anyway, back to the topic of our excursion. Can you see that ship? That sailing ship was brought here from Spain, our neighbouring country, two centuries ago. The ship has never sailed since then but it has been restored, and tourists enjoy visiting it. And it’s actually the place we are heading to, to get some idea of the life of the sailors and also to have lunch there.

Yes, your lunch is going to be served on the deck of the ship. I think it’s more romantic than eating in a local restaurant or buying a sandwich on the beach, isn’t it? I, personally, like the simple food of sailors very much. My grandfather cooked for sailors on a big ship. When he retired, he settled down here, and often treated us, his grandchildren, with his dishes and the stories about pirates, storms, and adventures. He was a great storyteller. Even some writer from the city once came to our town to interview my granddad...

You have 30 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 30 seconds.)

Now you will listen to the dialogues again. (Repeat.)

This is the end of the task. You now have 30 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 30 seconds.)

This is the end of the Listening Test.

Время, отведённое на выполнение заданий, истекло.

1 балл

Раздел 2. Чтение .


Task 1: 1) – B, 2) – C, 3) – D, 4) – A.

Task 2: a) – T, b) – F, c) – T, d) – F.

За каждый правильный ответ выставляется 1 балл

Раздел 3. Грамматика и Лексика


Task 1: 1) –C, 2) –A, 3) –A, 4) – C, 5) – D, 6) – A, 7) – D, 8) – C, 9) – C, 10) – A

Task 2:

    Computers are used at the lessons by pupils.

    A special dinner is cooked by Ann on the 21 st of May.

    A nice picnic will be arranged next week.

    These funny pictures were drawn by the little girl.

    The naughty boy was punished by the teacher.

Task 3:

    Что он делает сейчас? – Он слушает джаз.

    Новый дом будет построен в следующем году.

    Ее дочери получают удовольствие от фигурного катания.

    Мы должны быть на станции в 7 часов вечера.

    Я горжусь своей семьей.

За каждый правильный ответ выставляется 1 балл

Раздел 4. Письмо

Критерии оценивания

Возможные элементы содержания верного ответа

(допускаются иные формулировки ответа, не искажающие его смысл)

    When does the course start?/ When is the course going to start?/ When will the course start?

    What is the price of the course?/ How much do I need to pay?/How much does the course cost?/How expensive is the course?

    Have they got any sports facilities?/ What sports facilities can I/the students use? Do they have any sports facilities (there)? What kind of sports facilities do they have (there)?

Указания к оцениванию

за каждый вопрос выставляется:

Вопрос задан, при этом лексико-грамматические и орфографические ошибки отсутствуют

Вопрос задан, но допущено не более 2-х ошибок (2 лексико-грамматические ИЛИ 2 орфографические ИЛИ 1 лексическая/ грамматическая и 1 орфографическая)

вопрос не задан ИЛИ в вопросе допущено более 2-х ошибок, затрудняющих понимание вопроса

Максимальный балл


За выполнение задания «Написать письмо» учащийся может получить от 0 до 6 баллов .

Часть 2. Раздел 5.


Let the student talk. Ask only those questions which student has not covered while giving his/her talk.

1) What time do you usually wake up on weekdays?

2) How many lessons do you usually have?

3) What do you do after school?

Finally, you must ask each student the following questions:

1) What is your favourite week day? Why?

2) How did you spend your last weekend?

Критерии оценивания задания

(монологическое высказывание с опорой на вопросы)

Максимальный балл – 6 баллов

Критерии (К)


2 балла

1 балл

0 баллов

1.Выполнение коммуникативной задачи (Содержание)

Выполнена полностью : не менее 5 развернутых предложений по указанным в задании и дополнительным вопросам.

Выполнена частично :

- 4 развернутых предложения;

Либо есть 5 предложений, НО они не развернуты , либо не все они по указанным в задании и дополнительным вопросам.

Не выполнена :

- 3 и менее предложений;

Либо 4 предложения, НО все они не по указанным в задании и дополнительным вопросам.

2. Организация высказывания

Высказывание логично и носит завершенный характер . Средства логической связи используются правильно.

Имеются нарушения в логике высказывания и/или высказывание не носит завершенный характер. Средства логической связи практически не используются.

3. Лексико-грамматичес-кая сторона речи

Ошибки практически отсутствуют (не более 2-х )

Отдельные ошибки, не препятствующие коммуникации (не более 4-х в сумме)

Более 4-х ошибок, в том числе ведущие к сбою коммуникации

4. Произносительная сторона речи

Речь воспринимается легко; слова произнесены без нарушения нормы: допускается 4 ошибки (в произношении звуков в потоке речи, ударении, интонации), не искажающие смысл высказывания.

Речь воспринимается с трудом, сделано 5 или более фонетических ошибок или допущены фонематические ошибки , искажающие смысл высказывания.

Дополнительная схема оценивания задания

«Монологическое высказывание» (Максимальный балл – 6 )

ФИО ЭКСПЕРТА ________________________________________

Фамилия учащегося

1. Решение коммуникативной задачи (Содержание)

Аспект 1. Ответ на 1 вопрос дан

Аспект 2. Ответ на 2 вопрос дан

Аспект 3. Ответ на 3 вопрос дан

Аспект 4. Ответ на 4 (дополнительный) вопрос дан

Аспект 5. Ответ на 5 вопрос (дополнительный) вопрос дан

2. Организация высказывания

ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 1)

3. Лексико-грамматическая сторона речи.

ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)

4.Произносительная сторона речи.

ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл –1)

5. Итого:

Критерий оценивания работы:

45 баллов (максимальное количество баллов)

«5» - 45- 41 баллов

«4» - 40 – 35 баллов

«3» - 34 -24 балла

«2» -23 и менее 23 баллов
