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What causes the Retry Timeout Exceeded message Why do you get this error? How can this be fixed?

At times, you may get an email returned with a message stating something similar to this:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its

Recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
retry timeout exceeded

We will now explain what can cause the retry timeout exceeded error, and provide possible solutions.

What causes the Retry Timeout Exceeded Message

When there is an issue communicating with the recipient server, it will try to resend the message several times. After several failed attempts, the email is essentially put in a queue. The server will then attempt to send the email again periodically. After several more failed attempts the server will return a message stating:
Retry timeout exceeded

Why do you get this error?

Since there are various reasons why you get this error, we must handle it on a case-by-case basis. But the following are common causes:

  • SMTP port for sending messages is blocked
  • Spam filter issues
  • Network routing issues
  • The mail box is full

How can this be fixed?

Since this type of bounced email must be handled on a case-by-case-basis, we would need to review the full bounced email to troubleshoot the problem. Our tool can help determine the cause. Also, if you forward the bounced message to Live Technical Support , it creates a ticket, and allows them time to review the mail logs for further information. They will then email you back with a resolution, or escalate the problem to System Admin team for further investigation.

For additional information on emails, view our , it includes a section on Email Troubleshooting.

Occasionally, you may send an email message that returns a with an error such as the following:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: [email protected] retry timeout exceeded

The following article explains some details on why this error occurs and some actions that the technical support team may need to take in order to resolve the problem.

Understanding the Email error: Retry timeout exceeded

This particular error message occurs when problems occur with either the server sending the email or with the receiving server that is the destination of the message. After a certain amount of failed attempts to deliver an email, the server sending the message will add the message ID to a database. The messages in this database are not included in the next cycle of attempts to transmit email messages. After a period of time, the messages in that database are then re-submitted for the next round of transmission attempts. This process continues until it reaches a failure point where the server will no longer attempt to send the message. After the attempts to deliver the message have been exhausted, you would then see the bounce-back message: Retry timeout exceeded .

Why does this error occur?

There are a wide variety of reasons that this error can occur. The issue will need to be reviewed by technical support to review the mail logs. This will help to identify the specific cause of the error. Here are a few of the common causes:

  • The mail box is full
  • SMTP port for sending messages is blocked
  • Spam filter issues
  • Network routing issues

Again, those are just a few of the possibilities. The issue requires that a technical support representative review the email logs in order to pinpoint the exact source of the problem.

What options do the Technical Support team have to resolve the issue?

If the problem is a , then the support team can take standard measures to resolve the problem. For example, if the mail box is full or a port is blocked, then they can normally fix the issue fairly quickly. If there is something other than a typical error message causing the issue, the technical support team will need to escalate the issue to our systems team to try the following:

  • Force another attempt to transmit a specific message ID
  • Clear the retry database so that a repeatedly failing message can be resubmitted normally for re-transmission
  • Investigate the issue in more detail in order to determine the cause

These options require that .. Be sure to include your account verification information with your email as it will be requested if you do not provide it. Your account is verified with either the last 4 digits of the credit card on the account or the Account Management Panel (AMP) password. The issue would then be escalated to our Systems team for investigation and resolution.

If you are looking for other information in troubleshooting email, check out our for further assistance.

В работе электронной почты (далее: почта, E-Mail) участвуют несколько различных сетевых протоколов.
Для отправки писем используется протокол SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
Для получения почты обычно используются протокол POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) и реже протокол IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol).
За работу этих протоколов отвечают различные программы-сервисы. Если почта не отправляется - администратор должен искать неисправность в программе, обслуживающей SMTP протокол. Если проблема с получением почты, то нужно искать неисправность в программе обслуживающей POP3/IMAP протоколы. При обращении в службу технической поддержки указывайте, что конкретно не работает - отправка или получение (или то и другое), этим Вы поможете администратору обнаружить неисправность.

Для работы SMTP протокола используется TCP порт 25. Протокол POP3 использует порт 110, протокол IMAP использует порт 143.
Некоторые белорусские Internet-провайдеры в борьбе со спамом блокируют подключение пользователей на порт 25. Если после настройки почтового клиента Вы не можете отправить почту - возможно Ваш провайдер блокирует доступ к порту 25. Попробуйте сменить в настройках почтового клиента SMTP порт на 2525.
Инструкции по настройке почтовых клиентов Вы можете найти на нашем сайте(Клиентам - Документация по программному обеспечению).

Если Вы отправили письмо и оно не дошло до получателя, или Вам отправили письмо, но Вы его не получили, сообщите в тех. поддержку следующую информацию:
1. с какого email"а было отправлено письмо
2. на какой адрес (e-mail) было отправлено письмо
3. укажите как можно точнее время отправления

Если электронное письмо пришло с опозданием, или пришло сообщение об ошибке, или какое либо письмо вызвало у Вас подозрение в неправильной работе почты - перешлите в тех. поддержку исходный текст этого письма со всеми служебными заголовками.
Это поможет выяснить причину неполадки.
Пример исходного текста письма со служебными заголовками:

Return-path: <>
Envelope-to: [email protected]
Delivery-date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 16:37:53 +0300
Received: from mailnull by with local (Exim 4.60)
id 1KCx6H-0004g4-3x
for [email protected]; Sun, 29 Jun 2008 16:37:53 +0300
X-Failed-Recipients: [email protected]
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
From: Mail Delivery System
To: [email protected]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 16:37:53 +0300

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
retry timeout exceeded

This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------

Received: from (helo=)
by with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256)
(Exim 4.60)
id 1KBUwI-00059l-Dw
for [email protected]; Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:21:34 +0300
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:21:33 +0300
From: Good User
Organization: Roga Kopyta
User-Agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080421)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: [email protected]
Subject: -- test --
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

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