Адобе флеш плеер для андроид 10.1.

dobe Flash Player 10.2 will be available from March 18 for Android FroYo and Gingerbread smartphones as well as Honeycomb tablets with Android 3.0.1 update. But, within a day of its announcement, the Adobe Flash Player 10.2 has been leaked and it is working perfectly on Froyo and Gingerbread smartphones as well as on the Honeycomb tablets.

The guys at Android Central have already tried the new Adobe Flash 10.2 on CyanogenMod 7 device (Gingerbread) as well as on the HTC Desire smartphone with Android 2.2 Froyo and it works like a charm. Adobe Flash Player 10.2 comes with smooth playback of high-definition Flash video content on the web, reduced CPU usage, higher frame rates for existing H.264 video content and more.The Adobe Flash 10.2 will be officially available on Android Market from March 18.

If you are using the Motorola Xoomor Samsung galaxy tablet, then you should make sure that, the tablet is updated to Android 3.0.1, so that you can easily use the Adobe Flash 10.2 on your tablet device. If you cant wait till March 18, then you can download the leaked file and install it in your smartphone or tablet. To learn more, head over to this page at MyDroidWorld.

Plugin web browser Flash dari Adobe telah diupdate atau telah diperbaharui untuk sistem berbasis Android dan siap di download dngan versi terbaru Flash Player 10.2. Sayangnya Update Adobe Flash Player 10.2 hanya diperuntukan untuk OS 2.2 Froyo, 2.3 Gingerbread dan OS for tablet Android.

Honeycomb. Flash Player 10.2 akan memanfaatkan akselerasi perangkat keras untuk mempercepat tampilan konten Flash, terutama H.264 video. Menurut pihak Adobe, dilansir melalui laman Android Central, Adobe mengatakan memberikan versi 10.2 untuk meningkatkan kinerja tampilan flash di seluruh jendela browser dengan akan mendukung lebih banyak membaca berbagai konten flash.
Bring the FULL web to your device with Flash Player- videos, games, apps & more

Flash Player enables a FULL web browsing experience.

Bagi kamu yang sudah menggunakan handset dengan OS Android minimal versi 2.2 Froyo, sudah bisa mendapatkan atau download Adobe Flash Player 10.2 di Android Market atau bisa langsung melalui Android Market

Adobe Flash Player — программа для Вашего телефона и планшета на базе Android, необходимая для корректного воспроизведения Flash-файлов и видео в Вашем браузере. Программа сама по себе не воспроизводит видео с самыми разнообразными форматами, а только расширяет перечень стандартных файлов, поддерживаемых браузером.

Адобе Флеш Плеер для Андроид — своеобразный плагин, который внедряется в Ваш браузер, чтобы Вы могли смотреть видео непосредственно с сайта. Adobe Flash Player для Android имеет свой собственный 3D-ускоритель, который позволяет быстро прорисовывать самую сложную графику, при этом страницы загружаются быстрее, а видео идет без рывков и торможений, в высоком качестве. Флеш Плеер для Андроид также умеет сжимать страницы экономя трафик, что абсолютно не влияет на качество видеопросмотра.

Решившись установить Flash Player на свой телефон или планшет проверьте версию Вашего Android. Начиная с версии 4.1 по 5.х. приложение не работает в браузере Google Chrome , Opera и Яндекс. Приложение Adobe Flash Player для Андроид скачать можно бесплатно и без регистрации с нашего сайта. Прямая ссылка на скачивание находится чуть ниже.

Показать полное описание

Скриншоты Adobe Flash Player

Особенности приложения Adobe Flash Player для Android:

  • Воспроизведение видео в высоком качестве непосредственно с сайтов;
  • Наличие мощного 3D-ускорителя для быстрой загрузки веб-страниц;
  • Возможность сжимать страницы для экономии трафика.

Adobe Flash Player для Android - это Ваш пропуск в бесконечный мир онлайн-игр и разнообразных веб-приложений. Программа используется миллиардами юзеров по всему миру, обладает заслуженной репутацией надежного и высококлассного софта. Бесплатно скачать Flash Player, разработанный специально под операционную систему Android, можно всего в один клик. Русская версия плагина способствует как комфортной эксплуатации, так и оперативной установке.

Flash Player скачать бесплатно для Андроид

Данный флеш-плеер отвечает за максимальную производительность во время трансляции видеоконтента в высоком качестве разрешения картинки. В то же время он выступает обязательным и незаменимым модулем для браузера: в Google Chrome, например, он интегрирован и активирован по умолчанию. Сама программа не занимает в памяти устройства много места, а установить Adobe Flash Player на Android - дело нескольких минут.

Стоит отметить, что лицензированное ПО предоставляется сайтом совершенно бесплатно, без отправки смс и каких-либо регистраций. При этом, обновить Adobe Flash Player на Android будет актуально в любое время, ведь медиаплеер постоянно совершенствуется, расширяя функционал и корректируя баги. Такую опцию можно активировать в автоматическом режиме и больше никогда к ней не возвращаться. Adobe Flash Player для Андроид представляет собой залог доступа к веб-приложениям, онлайн-играм и видеоконтенту на YouTube.

Как установить Flash Player на планшет?

Воспользуйтесь услугами нашего сайта прямо сейчас. Последняя версия Adobe Flash Player для Android находится на расстоянии всего одного клика.

The build number for Flash Player 10.1 for Android 2.2 is


Screen Orientation Lock:

Content authors can now choose to lock content displayed in Full-Screen mode to a single orientation. This will prevent content from being scaled and rotated when the user rotates their screen.

International Language Support for Input Text and IME:

Flash Player now supports the entry of international text for Input Text and IME. This feature also introduces a number of general usability enhancements to improve western text entry on devices with on-screen keyboards.


· Improvements to touch accuracy correct instances where small objects were not correctly responding to touch events.

· When a user clicks on a TextField when in Full Screen mode, Flash Player will exit Full Screen mode to facilitate text entry.


· Values for stage.fullScreenHeight and stage.fullScreenWidth are now correctly updated when the screen orientation changes from landscape to portrait.

· Crashes related to playing content while zoomed in have been resolved.


· Improved Hardware Video Decoding Support:

All H.264 encoding profiles are now supported on the HTC Nexus One

All H.264 video except 720p is supported on TI OMAP 3630-based devices (Motorola Droid 2, Droid X

H.264 baseline video is now supported on TI OMAP Motorola Droid

· Multiple optimizations improve video playback performance and quality on Android 2.2 devices

· Locking the screen orientation to portrait mode during video playback now works as expected.

Known Issues and Limitations


  • When an URL containing & or % is saved to a SharedObject file redirectSO.sol all of the parameters after these characters are stripped off. (1909140)
  • CSS styles should not cascade across sandbox boundaries. (2261815)
  • startDrag and stopDrag do not work when the target is a 2D child of a 3D parent. (2200972)
  • POST requests with no body reverting to GET. (2223288)
  • XML.appendChild does not function correctly when published as SWF10; works fine as SWF9. (2340839)
  • Last SWF Loaded sets scriptTimeLimit. (2500755)
  • AS3 Timeline: Child Sprite ADDED_TO_STAGE event is fired twice. (2300936)
  • AS3 Timeline: First frame of Movie Clip animation played twice when created and added to stage with ActionScript. (2520095)
  • onEnterFrame gets called more often than necessary. (2614589)
  • Automation APIs are only available on Windows and Android platforms. On unsupported platforms, runtime errors may appear when these APIs are called.
  • When searching for objects (not strings) in Dictionary objects using the "in" operator, if the object is not found in the Dictionary object, it will be searched for in the delegate objects. With 10.1, the toString operator will be called on the Object if not found in the Dictionary. This can cause problems with Proxy objects who need to define the callProperty function or it will generate a RTE. A simple example that failed silently in 10.0 but throws an error in 10.1:
    • var p:Proxy = new Proxy();
    • var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    • trace (p in d);
    • Error: Error #2090: The Proxy class does not implement callProperty. It must be overridden by a subclass.
    • at Error$/throwError()
    • at flash.utils::Proxy/
    • at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/foo() // at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


  • The Flash Accessibility API is not supported on Android 2.2.


  • AAC Decoding uses Android"s native AAC Decoder.
    • This licensing requirement imposes a number of limitations on the types of AAC streams that can be decoded, which differ from desktop versions of Flash Player.
    • Only Mono and Stereo AAC Streams are supported on Android 2.2.
    • Flash on Android 2.2 supports the following AAC profiles: AAC-LC, HE-AACv1, and HE-AACv2.
    • Android 2.2 supports the following AAC sampling rates: 48000, 44100, 41000, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000
    • The recommended sampling rate for Flash audio is 44,100 Hz because it is the internal format used by Flash"s sound mixer. Flash must convert other sampling rates to 44,100 Hz before playback.
  • Browser may not always resume video playback automatically when interrupted by a phone call.
  • Platform-specific driver issues sometimes cause crashes during video playback.
  • Playing multiple videos simultaneously will not perform well.
  • When changing phone orientation and entering/exiting full-screen mode during video playback, playback may pause briefly.
  • Pausing progressively downloaded video for more than 2 minutes may cause video to restart from beginning when resumed.
  • Video embedded in a SWF does not always resume from pause.
  • The Android 2.2 player will not support preloading large videos completely through NetStream. The video preloading size is limited by the circular buffer size (currently 8MB). If the video exceeds the buffer size and the content depends on the video being fully downloaded before playback starts, the content will never start.
  • The .f4v files created by Adobe Media Encoder CS5 cannot be called by onXMPData. (2603890)

Context Menu:

  • Context Menus are not supported on Android 2.2.


  • Opening the software keyboard causes the HTML content to scale down to the remaining available size in the window.
  • Alt and Caps Lock Keys do not send KeyDown or KeyUp events from Soft Keyboard.
  • On touch screen devices, the mouse position is moved to Infinity when the user"s finger is not touching the screen.
  • Tab Focus is not supported in Flash Player on Android 2.2.


  • Upon installation, a mismatch between new Java libraries and the version of Flash running in memory can cause a crash. Navigating to a page without Flash will cause the player to unload, and the next instance of Flash that is loaded will be the updated player.

Memory Management:

  • Flash Player attempts to determine and place priority on the most important SWFs on a page; however, depending on the contents and construction of a given HTML page, this is not always possible to do correctly without hinting from the content itself. In some instances, Flash Player will mistake ancillary content as the primary content and switch everything else to “Click to Play” when encountering a low memory situation.


  • Camera and Microphone support is not included in Flash Player on Android 2.2.


  • Rendering 3D objects with large numbers of vertices will not perform well.


  • Printing is not supported in Flash Player on Android 2.2.


  • Flash Content is always displayed on top of all HTML content, including pop-ups.
  • Overlapping Flash Content may not consistently render at the same depth.
  • In some instances, black flashes appear on SWF content when scrolling.
  • Perlin Noise and Displacement Map bitmap filters will perform poorly on mobile devices.
  • Several successive pinch-zooms in a single direction can cause Flash Content to not render.
  • PixelBender Shaders are Not Supported on Android 2.2 but may be partially enabled.
  • Occasionally, SWFs are incorrectly positioned at the upper-left corner of the screen.
  • Flash Content in Transparent WMODE will obscure content below it.
  • The number of concurrent Flash instances is limited to 30 on Android 2.2.
  • Flash Content is always rendered in Medium quality mode.


  • Font fallback support is not supported for Thai, Hebrew and Bengali.
  • appendText when appending from another text field does not append in the correct location when the source string contains "\n". (2341522)

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Download Adobe Flash Player 10.3.apk android apk files version Size is 4432511 md5 is By This Version Need Froyo 2.2.x API level 8, NDK 4 or higher, We Index Version From this file.Version code 103186003 equal Version .You can Find More info by Search com.adobe.flashplayer On Google.If Your Search adobe,flashplayer,tools,flash,player,10.3 Will Find More like com.adobe.flashplayer,Adobe Flash Player 10.3 Downloaded 103 Time And All Adobe Flash Player 10.3 App Downloaded Time. Bring the FULL web to your device with Flash Player- videos, games, apps & more Adobe Flash Player enables a complete web browsing experience by enabling access to your favorite interactive content. Adobe Flash Player on your device gives you: The freedom to access the same rich web content you experience on a desktop PC from your mobile device - anywhere, anytime; Uncompromised browsing without ‘empty boxes’ on web pages. To view some examples of how Flash Player enables you to see your favorite interactive content on your device, please visit on your device browser. A list of Adobe Flash Player certified devices can be found at: NOTE: Please check with your device manufacturer or carrier to ensure you have the latest firmware update for your device. For Android 3 and above tablet devices, we highly recommend that you update your OS to at least Android 3.1 to ensure that Adobe Flash Player delivers the best experience possible. By clicking “Install” I agree to the License Agreement terms at Manage your privacy settings at -
