Заслуженный артист рсфср

Реферат на тему:

Заслуженный артист РСФСР

Заслуженный артист РСФСР - государственная награда РСФСР, звание присваивалось Президиумом Верховного Совета РСФСР и являлось одной из форм признания государством и обществом заслуг отличившихся граждан. Учреждено 10 августа 1931 года.

Начиная с 1919 и до указа 1931 года присваивалось звание «Заслуженный артист Республики». Присваивалось оно коллегиями Наркомпроса республик, приказами наркомов просвещения, исполкомами областных и краевых советов.

Музыкальная жизнь. - Мантуя входит в музыкальную историю с памятью Данте о трубадуре «Сорделло Мантовано», а затем с учреждением знаменитой школы Витторино да Фельтре, призванной Мантуа Джанфранческо Гонзагой за воспитание своих детей. В этой школе была большая часть музыки, и на самом деле Джованни Чертосино, автор трактата о музыке, сохранившейся в Ватикане, на самом деле был учеником.

Но Гонзагас культивировал музыку с ранних лет своей светлости в Мантуе. В суде Гонзаги предпочтение было отпугивать. Стриджо Мантовано, автор «Велоспорт женщин в прачечной» и т.д. Под герцогом Винченцо музыка имела самый процветающий момент. Моцарта, во время его пятой поездки в Италию. Фортиманионы Мантовой. - Когда Мантуя была осаждена Эззелино да Романо, город, доступный только с полудня, имел свои башни, а Эззелино сделал брекчию, дал штурм, но его армии нашли внутри стены канаву, раскопанную водой от защитников, и им пришлось отступить.

Званием «Заслуженный артист РСФСР» в своё время награждались широко известные в СССР артисты, композиторы, музыканты-инструменталисты, артисты цирка и разговорного жанра, известные исполнители классической, эстрадной и джазовой музыки из РСФСР и союзных республик. Такие, как: Михаил Кононов, Давид Ойстрах, Александр Метнер, Муслим Магомаев, Михаил Боярский, Леонид Утёсов, Юрий Никулин, Георгий Вицин, Клара Румянова, Микаэл Таривердиев, Роксана Бабаян, Раймонд Паулс, Михаил Жванецкий, Валентин Гафт, Максим Дунаевский, Валентина Толкунова, Юрий Чернавский, Николай Парфёнов, Алла Пугачёва и десятки других известнейших творческих деятелей России в области кино, музыки и других сферах культуры.

Чтобы сделать эту сторону города более сильной, вскоре после этого было построено больше плотин, из которых образовалось длинное озеро, называемое Пайоло, спасающее землю Те с защищенной набережной. Тем не менее, Мантовани, не имея, таким образом, сельскохозяйственных угодий для скота, представляло собой так называемое «поле Тринкерато», которое подтолкнуло его край к канаве Пайоло.

У Франческо Гонзага был замок, построенный архитектором Бартолино да Новара, который уже построил те из Феррары и Павии. У него квадратный план с башнями по углам, он прост, суровый, увенчан большими выступающими зубцами, с машинами. Джорджио и Порто, как главы двух мостов, которые разместили голову, а также длинный участок стен, который проходит вдоль озер Меццо и Инферриор, беря материалы с башен Ассандри, Кремаши и Висконти Сорделло и получая на их месте текущая площадь Пьяцца дель Дуомо. Затем с большим подкреплением голов двух мостов он установил две катушки, которые были уменьшены из двух деревень.

Следующей степенью признания было присвоение звания «Народный артист РСФСР», затем «Народный артист СССР».

С февраля 1992 года во всех документах звание именуется «Заслуженный артист Российской Федерации». Нагрудный знак претерпел некоторые изменения: была убрана надпись «РСФСР» и вместо флага РСФСР 1954 года на муаровой ленте был триколор. В 1996 году вышел указ президента РФ № 1341, после чего были разработаны новые знаки.

Эта цитадель была одним из первых примеров работ, бастионов по итальянским формам, и было бы желательно, чтобы она была спроектирована художником Леонбруно, но построена архитекторами Капино и Беккагуто; который последний, мертвый, был заменен Нуволари.

Вернувшись к герцогам, они позвали вас, чтобы восстановить укрепления, многие инженеры из Франции, включая Ду Плессиса, который построил пояс Те и завершил Миглиоретто более современными формами бастиона. Квадрат позже был замешан более или менее непосредственно в войнах века. В наполеоновских войнах он поддерживал очень важную его часть, действительно, это был период, когда из простой тактической задачи он перешел к стратегической задаче, и поэтому он был очень спорным между двумя бойцами. Джорджио мощными орудиями водопровода, защитил Миглиоретто «большой» работой на короне, он построил форт с батареями и довел общее вооружение площади до Пиелло. до 300 штук.

Описание нагрудного знака «Заслуженный артист РСФСР»

Нагрудный знак «Заслуженный артист РСФСР» изготовляется из томпака с золочением и имеет форму овала размером 28,7 на 33 мм c ушком. В центральной части знака расположено изображение лиры и ниже надпись «Заслуженный артист РСФСР» с лавровыми ветвями по краям. Все изображения и надписи выпуклые и залиты бесцветной, прозрачной эмалью. Нагрудный знак при помощи ушка и звена соединяется с золоченой прямоугольной колодочкой размером 15 мм на 25 мм. Колодочка обвита муаровой лентой с красным и светло-синим цветами флага РСФСР. Колодочка имеет с обратной стороны булавку для прикрепления знака к одежде. К знаку прилагается Грамота Президиума Верховного Совета РСФСР.

Затем Шасселуп вернулся к нему, создав в этом случае новый новый оборонительный проект, опираясь в основном на более широкое использование наводнений и, следовательно, на маневры вод. Они все еще существуют сегодня. Австрийцы пренебрегли Мантуей, а вместо этого защитили Верону: его работы потеряли свои формы в медленном разрушении времени и были покрыты сорняками.

Шаллуса, Луиджи Силипранди и, наконец, Винченцо Бертокки из Реджо. Вольта, историческое сочинение о типограмме. мантована века Мортара, Кенни на типогр. Д Анкона, театр Мантуя в столетии Бертолотти, музыканты во дворе Гонзаги в Мантуе с века. На севере провинция Мантуя поднимается на холмистых холмах морены, которые близки к озеру Гарда и где поднимаются центры Сольферино, Кавриана и Кастильоне делле Стивьер. Муниципалитеты провинции составляют 70 человек с общей численностью населения 686 человек.

Данный реферат составлен на основе статьи из русской Википедии . Синхронизация выполнена 09.07.11 18:43:48
Похожие рефераты: Заслуженная артистка РФ , Заслуженная артистка Украины , Заслуженная артистка Украинской ССР , Заслуженная артистка России , Заслуженная артистка Российской Федерации , Заслуженная артистка Императорских театров ,

– January – The National Committee for Modification of the Volstead Act is formed to work for the repeal of Prohibition in the United States. January 2 – South Dakota native Ernest Lawrence invents the cyclotron, january 3 – Albert Einstein begins doing research at the California Institute of Technology, along with astronomer Edwin Hubble. January 4 – German pilot Elly Beinhorn begins her flight to Africa, january 6 – Thomas Edison submits his last patent application. January 22 – Sir Isaac Isaacs is sworn in as the first Australian-born Governor-General of Australia, january 25 – Mohandas Gandhi is again released from imprisonment in India. January 27 – Pierre Laval forms a government in France, january 30 – Release of the movie City Lights starring Charlie Chaplin. February 3 – Hawkes Bay earthquake, Much of the New Zealand cities of Napier, february 4 – Soviet leader Joseph Stalin gives speech calling for rapid industrialization, arguing that only strong industrialized countries will win wars while weak nations are beaten. Stalin states, We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries and we must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us, intensification of the First Five-Year Plan in the Soviet Union for industrialization and collectivization of agriculture. February 10 – Official inauguration ceremonies for New Delhi as the capital of India begin, february 11 – National Socialist and German National Peoples Party members walk out of the German Reichstag in protest against changes in the parliaments protocol intended to limit heckling. February 12 – Vatican Radio first broadcasts, february 14 – The original film version of Dracula with Bela Lugosi is released in the United States. February 16 – Pehr Evind Svinhufvud is elected president of Finland, february 20 – California gets the go-ahead by the United States Congress to build the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge. February 21 – Peruvian revolutionaries hijack a Ford Trimotor aeroplane and demand that the pilot drop propaganda leaflets over Lima, march 1 – The USS Arizona is placed back in full commission after a refit. March 1 – Sir Oswald Mosley founds the New Party as a breakaway from the Labour Party in the United Kingdom, march 3 – The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the United States National anthem. March 5 – The British viceroy of India and Mohandas Gandhi sign the Gandhi–Irwin Pact, march 7 – The new House of Representatives opens in Helsinki, Finland. March 11 – The Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR programme, march 17 – Nevada legalizes gambling. March 19 – Westminster St Georges by-election in the U. K. results in the victory of the Conservative candidate Duff Cooper, march 23 – Indian revolutionary leaders Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar are hanged for conspiracy to murder in the British Raj. March 25 – The Scottsboro Boys are arrested in Alabama and charged with rape, march 27 – English writer Arnold Bennett dies of typhoid in London shortly after returning from a visit to Paris, where he drank local water to prove it was safe. March 31 – An earthquake destroys Managua, Nicaragua, killing 2,000 people, april 1 – The Second Encirclement Campaign against Jiangxi Soviet in China is launched by the Kuomintang government to destroy the Communist forces in Jiangxi province

Центры многочисленны, но мало важны; население кажется очень редким, поскольку отсутствие отраслей не способствует развитию урбанизма. Демографическое движение не очень интенсивно: эмиграция и иммиграция не очень значительны. Из этой территории около 93% используется для сельскохозяйственных культур и 6, 6% непродуктивно. Земля, занятая зданиями, дорогами и водой, рассчитывается в гектарах.

Сельскохозяйственное производство в холмистой северной области характеризуется виноградом и шелковицей; на равнине мы выращиваем злаки, луга, туту, свеклу. Последние особенно расположены в районе за пределами По, недавно восстановленного. Затем разбрасываются различные мелкие культуры: картофель, овощи и фрукты. Растет животноводство, особенно крупный рогатый скот и шелководство.

2. Народный артист СССР – Peoples Artist of the USSR, also sometimes translated as National Artist of the USSR, was an honorary title granted to citizens of the Soviet Union. The term is used to translate two Russian language titles, Народный артист СССР, awarded in performing arts and Народный художник СССР. Each Soviet Republic, as well as the Autonomous Republics, had an award held previously by virtually every receiver of the higher title of Peoples Artist of the USSR. As this title was granted by the government, honorees were afforded certain privileges, accordingly, artists and authors who expressed criticism of the Communist Party were seldom granted such recognition, if not outright censored. The title was bestowed for exceptional achievements in the arts in the Soviet Union. Its recipients included many of the composers, dancers, singers, film. In all, there were 1010 recipients of the award, the title was introduced in 1936, replacing the earlier title of Peoples Artist of the Republic. The first recipients of the title were Konstantin Stanislavski, Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, Ivan Moskvin, Antonina Nezhdanova, Boris Shchukin, Kulyash Baiseitova, the last persons to be honoured with the title were Sofia Pilyavskaya and Oleg Yankovsky. Originally, the title was bestowed on theatre actors, ballet dancers, gradually, it came to be bestowed upon film actors, composers, violinist, pop singers, comedians, and even circus performers such as Natalya Durova and Oleg Popov. Normally, a person was named the Peoples Artist of the USSR after 40 years of age, the youngest female persons to receive this title were Kazakh opera singers Kulyash Baiseitova and Halima Nasyrova. The youngest men were Uzbek singer Batir Zakirov, followed by the Azerbaijani baritone operatic, among the actors, the youngest recipient was Sergey Bondarchuk. The youngest actress to receive the title was Yuri Andropovs daughter-in-law, Lyudmila Chursina, as of 2009, the earliest living recipient is Turkmen opera singer Maya Kuliyeva. The title of Peoples Painter of the Soviet Union was awarded for achievements in certain visual arts, painting, sculpture, drawing. The lesser title of Meritorious Painter of the Soviet Union was also awarded for achievement in these fields

Сельское хозяйство питает различные виды промышленной и коммерческой деятельности: мельницы, сахарные заводы, колбасные фабрики, прядильные фабрики и т.д. затем под землей используются гравий, торф, ножки, материал, который питает промышленность латеритов.

Торговля является интенсивной и происходит по водным путям, обычным дорогам и железным дорогам, которые, как правило, централизуются в столице. К званию викария викария Мантуи присоединились викарий Кремоны, Реджиоло и Асола. Воинская смелость Филиппино Висконти освободила на данный момент государство Гонзага, но после непродолжительного периода мира Гонзаги вернулись, чтобы участвовать в различных удачах в борьбе с вульгарными действиями. Несмотря на пакты и семейные альянсы, экспансионистская тенденция господства Висконти привела к другим войнам, из которых государство Мантуан горько страдал под руководством Гвидо, второго капитана, и под Людовико, третьим капитаном.

3. 1992 год – 1992 was designated as, International Space Year by the United Nations. January 1 The Atari 2600 is finally discontinued 15 years after its introduction in September 1977, boutros Boutros-Ghali of Egypt replaces Javier Pérez de Cuéllar of Peru as United Nations Secretary-General. George H. W. Bush becomes the first U. S. President to address the Australian Parliament, January 2 – President of Russia Boris Yeltsin ends price controls, resulting in prices of some goods and services becoming 3 to 5 times more expensive. This in effect ends the command economy in Russia, January 6 – The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is proclaimed by the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. January 7 – The Yugoslav Air Force downs a helicopter, killing 5 military observers from the European Community. January 8 – George H. W. Bush is televised falling violently ill at a dinner in Japan, vomiting into the lap of Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa. January 9 – Bosnian Serbs declare their own republic within Bosnia and Herzegovina, in protest of the decision by Bosniaks, January 11 Singer Paul Simon is the first major artist to tour South Africa after the end of the cultural boycott. Shanda Sharer is tortured and burned to death in Madison, Indiana by 4 teenage girls, Albanian referendum for territorial and political autonomy in FYR Macedonia. January 12 – The second round of Algerias general elections is cancelled when the first round is favorable to the Islamic Salvation Front, January 13 – Japan apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II. January 15 – The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia begins to break up, Slovenia and Croatia gain independence and international recognition in some Western countries. January 16 – El Salvador officials and rebel leaders sign the Chapultepec Peace Accords in Mexico City ending the 12-year Salvadoran Civil War that claimed at least 75,000 lives. January 18 – In Nairobi, Kenya, more than 100,000 attend protests demanding an end to one-party rule by the Kenya African National Union, January 19 The Bulgarian presidential election is won by Zhelyu Zhelev, leader of the Union of Democratic Forces. Paramount Leader of China Deng Xiaoping speaks in Shenzhen during his southern tour, January 20 – Cuba executes Eduardo Diaz Betancourt, who was found guilty of sabotage and terrorism. January 21 – Faced with decreased military spending, United Technologies Corporation announces it will eliminate 13,900 jobs by 1993, January 22 Rebel forces occupy Zaires national radio station in Kinshasa and broadcast a demand for the governments resignation. STS-42, Dr. Roberta Bondar becomes the first Canadian woman in space, January 24 In El Salvador, an army colonel and a lieutenant of the Atlacatl Battalion are each sentenced to 30 years in prison for the 1989 murder of six Jesuit priests and their housekeepers. China and Israel establish diplomatic relations, January 26 Boris Yeltsin announces that Russia will stop targeting cities of the United States and her allies with nuclear weapons. In return George H. W. Bush announces that the United States and her allies will stop targeting Russia, in Mauritania, security forces open fire on opponents of President of Mauritania Maaouya Ould SidAhmed Taya, killing at least 5 people. January 27 Macys files for bankruptcy, Nagorno-Karabakh War, in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, fighting between Armenians and Azeris leaves at least 60 people dead

Последнее из-за заговора между его близкими родственниками почти потеряло свою силу. Самая важная фаза в истории государства Гонзага в веке. Эти реформированные статуты стали важным моментом в истории итальянского права в целом и дали государству полную административную организацию окончательную физиономию. Под Франческо правительство все больше концентрировалось в руках принца, который навсегда сохранял право избирать консулы и все руководители корпораций, и они потребовали ежегодную дань подарков.

При попытке вырваться из рабства Висконти, Франческо старался, а также, и это может, отказаться от каких-либо зависимости от монастыря Святого Бенедикта в инвеститурах товаров. К настоящему времени династическая сила была настолько прочно установлена, что несовершеннолетний возраст сына Франческо, которому едва исполнилось двенадцать лет, и последующий период защиты не вызвали потрясений в общественном порядке, и унаследованное право на преемственность было мирно признано в семье Гонзага.

4. 1996 год – January 3 – Motorola introduces the Motorola StarTAC Wearable Cellular Telephone, the worlds smallest and lightest mobile phone to date. January 4 – Hosni Mubarak, the president of Egypt, appoints a new government in response to accusations of corruption in the elections in late 1995. January 5 – Hamas operative Yahya Ayyash is assassinated by an Israeli Shabak-planted, january 7 – One of the worst blizzards in American history hits the eastern states, killing more than 150 people. Philadelphia receives a record 30.7 inches of snowfall, New York Citys public schools close for the first time in 18 years, january 8 – A Zairean cargo plane crashes into a crowded market in the center of the capital Kinshasa, killing 300. January 9–January 20 – Serious fighting breaks out between Russian soldiers and rebel fighters in Chechnya, january 11 – Ryutaro Hashimoto, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, becomes Prime Minister of Japan. January 13 – Italys prime minister, Lamberto Dini, resigns after the failure of all-party talks to confirm him, New talks are initiated by president Oscar Luigi Scalfaro to form a new government. January 14 – Jorge Sampaio is elected president of Portugal, january 16 – President of Sierra Leone Valentine Strasser is deposed by the chief of defence, Julius Maada Bio. Bio promises to power following elections scheduled for February. The North Cape Barge is pulled along with it and leaks 820,000 gallons of heating oil. An Indonesian ferry sinks off the tip of Sumatra, drowning more than 100 people. January 20 – Yasser Arafat is re-elected president of the Palestinian Authority, january 21 – France undertakes its last nuclear weapon test. January 22 – Andreas Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece, resigns due to health problems, january 24 – Polish Premier Józef Oleksy resigns amid charges that he spied for Moscow. He is replaced by Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz, january 26 – Whitewater scandal, U. S. First Lady Hillary Clinton testifies before a grand jury, january 27 – Colonel Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara deposes the first democratically elected president of Niger, Mahamane Ousmane, in a military coup. January 29 President Jacques Chirac announces an end to French nuclear testing. Fire destroys La Fenice, Venices opera house, january 30 – Irish National Liberation Army leader Gino Gallagher is killed in an internal feud. January 30–February 5 – Sarah Balabagan is caned in the United Arab Emirates, january 31 Colombo Central Bank bombing, an explosives-filled truck rams into the gates of the Central Bank in Colombo, Sri Lanka, killing at least 86 and injuring 1,400. An explosion in Shaoyang, China kills 122 and injures over 400 when 10 short tons of dynamite in an explosives warehouse underneath an apartment building detonate

Как и в других случаях, так и формирование и создание территориальной области, с центром в Мантуе, началось и велось до века. Несчастные перипетии войны сопровождали улучшения во внутренней организации, в строительстве и в средствах коммуникации. После смерти Джанфранческо территория была завещанием его, разделенная между четырьмя сыновьями: Людовико, Карло, Алессандро и Джанлусидо.

Кастильоне делле Стивьер неоднократно принимался и терялся. Мир в Лоди повторил временное спокойствие, но подтвердил в Венеции все страны, которые были постоянным устремлением Гонзаг: Асола, Лонато, Пескьера; и Лудовико не мог их восстановить, даже в последующих событиях борьбы и договоров, с которыми требовалось более стабильное равновесие.

5. Томпак – Tombac, as it is spelled in French, or tombak, is a brass alloy with high copper content and 5–20% zinc content. Tin, lead or arsenic may be added for colouration and it is a cheap malleable alloy mainly used for medals, ornament, decoration and some munitions. In older use, the term may apply to brass alloy with a content as high as 28–35%. The term tombak is derived from tembaga, an Indonesian/Malay word of Javanese origin meaning copper, tembaga entered Dutch usage concurrent with their colonisation of Indonesia. Likely, the term was used generically to describe Indonesian high-copper brass items and it is one of the very few Indonesian loan words used in English, German, or Dutch. Tombac is easy and soft to work by hand, hand tools can easily punch, cut, enamel, repousse, engrave, gild and it has a higher sheen than most brasses or copper, and does not easily tarnish. Historically, it was used by the Javanese as a gold finish for objects dart. Most commonly, tombac in modern society is used in medals and awards of lesser importance, the Pickelhaube and cuirass of the Imperial German and Prussian Army were at one time made of tombac. German, particularly Prussian, field uniforms, had buttons and decorative fittings made of tombac, currently, tombac foils are used in arts and crafts for decorative articles, especially as an economic alternative to very expensive gold leaf. Industry uses tombac foil for heating foils and etch applications, gilding metal is a type of tombac which is one of the most common jacketing materials for full metal and hollow-point jacketed bullets. The 1980 Olympic Bronze medals were actually tombac, during World War II, Canada minted nickels in tombac in 1942 and 1943. The German military used it for some combat medals during World War II, the Swedish armed forces adopted a special-service round for the Carl Gustav m/45 submachine gun with a tombac-plated steel jacket surrounding the lead core of the bullet loaded in the cartridge. Tumbaga National Pollutant Inventory - Copper and compounds fact sheet Tombac - DiracDelta Science & Engineering Encyclopedia The Line Pickelhaube Schlenk German tombak manufacturer

Среди инженеров и архитекторов, призванных продлить свою работу, были Пьетро да Фигино и Филиппо Брунеллески. Родольфо и Лодовико были предоставлены Каннето, Остиано, Кастельгоффреди, Редондоско, Кастильоне делле Стивьер, Сольферино. Многие из этих крошечных судов имели литературное и художественное процветание. Федерико, союзник герцога Феррарского, разрезал набережную Минчио, чтобы предотвратить поставки венецианцам, Остилья едва ли защищался союзным герцогом Урбино, но в мире 84 надежное владение Асолой исчезло снова.

Но его надежды на территориальный рост или покупку Миланского княжества или с реституцией венецианцами желанных земель исчезают. Границы старого государства не изменились. Они, однако, не были отмечены в течение точно: на самом деле, споры на участки земли, для использования воды и пастбищ, были частыми с Кремоне, Брешии, Феррара, Гуасталла, Парма, Модена, Мирандола, Карпи, Корреджо, Верона, бесчисленные споры были доминирующими для некоторых стран этой территории, на которых герцоги Мантуи похвастались соображениями, противоречащими другим ветвям семьи, которые по принципу разделения наследства владели княжествами.

6. Овал – An oval is a closed curve in a plane which loosely resembles the outline of an egg. The term is not very specific, but in areas it is given a more precise definition. In common English, the term is used in a broader sense, the three-dimensional version of an oval is called an ovoid. The term oval when used to describe curves in geometry is not well-defined, many distinct curves are commonly called ovals or are said to have an oval shape. Generally, to be called an oval, a plane curve should resemble the outline of an egg or an ellipse, the adjectives ovoidal and ovate mean having the characteristic of being an ovoid, and are often used as synonyms for egg-shaped. In the theory of planes, an oval is a set of n +1 points in a projective plane of order n. An ovoid in the projective geometry PG is a set of q2 +1 points such that no three points are collinear. At each point of an all the tangent lines to the ovoid lie in a single plane. The shape of an egg is approximated by long half of a spheroid, joined to a short half of a roughly spherical ellipsoid. These are joined at the equator and sharing a principal axis of rotational symmetry, although the term egg-shaped usually implies a lack of reflection symmetry across the equatorial plane, it may also refer to true prolate ellipsoids. It can also be used to describe the 2-dimensional figure that, if revolved around its major axis, in technical drawing, an oval is a figure constructed from two pairs of arcs, with two different radii. The arcs are joined at a point in which lines tangential to both joining arcs lie on the line, thus making the joint smooth. Any point of an oval belongs to an arc with a constant radius, but in an ellipse, in common speech, oval means a shape rather like an egg or an ellipse, which may be two-dimensional or three-dimensional. It also often refers to a figure that resembles two semicircles joined by a rectangle, like a cricket infield, speed skating rink or an athletics track, however, this is more correctly called a stadium or archaically, an oblong. Sometimes, it can refer to any rectangle with rounded corners. The shape lends its name to many well-known places, ellipse Stadium Vesica piscis – a pointed oval

Герцогское правительство сохранило древние городские офисы; в странах герцогская власть была представлена ​​викариями, которые находились в тесном контакте с центральной властью, которые часто были людьми в области культуры при регентстве кардинала Эрколе, регулярный приказ был дан администрации, «честность людей, ответственных за государственную должность и сдерживание отходов». Гульельмо в свою очередь учредил своего рода наблюдательную комиссию по управлению государством. Доход этого теперь путался с частными суверенами.

Создание сената, судебного органа, приговоренного как по гражданским делам, так и по уголовным делам и имевшего репутацию великой доктрины, восходит к правительству Гульельмо. Ополченцы также были заказаны активным герцогом Уильямом и были составлены в обычном порядке гражданами, оставив только для чрезвычайных дел и для специальных парадных служб наемников и иностранных солдат.

7. Лира (музыкальный инструмент) – The lyre is a string instrument known for its use in Greek classical antiquity and later periods. The lyre is similar in appearance to a small harp but with distinct differences, the word comes via Latin from the Greek, the earliest reference to the word is the Mycenaean Greek ru-ra-ta-e, meaning lyrists and written in the Linear B script. The lyres of Ur, excavated in ancient Mesopotamia, date to 2500 BC, the earliest picture of a lyre with seven strings appears in the famous sarcophagus of Hagia Triada. The sarcophagus was used during the Mycenaean occupation of Crete, the recitations of the Ancient Greeks were accompanied by lyre playing. The lyre of classical antiquity was ordinarily played by being strummed with a plectrum, the fingers of the free hand silenced the unwanted strings in the chord. However, later lyres were played with a bow in Europe, one example from Wales that has been resurrected recently is the crwth. In organology, lyres are defined as yoke lutes, being lutes in which the strings are attached to a yoke which lies in the plane as the sound-table. A classical lyre has a body or sound-chest, which. Extending from this sound-chest are two raised arms, which are hollow, and are curved both outward and forward. They are connected near the top by a crossbar or yoke, an additional crossbar, fixed to the sound-chest, makes the bridge which transmits the vibrations of the strings. They were stretched between the yoke and bridge, or to a tailpiece below the bridge, according to ancient Greek mythology, the young god Hermes stole a herd of sacred cows from Apollo. In order not to be followed, he made shoes for the cows which forced them to walk backwards, Apollo, following the trails, could not follow where the cows were going. Along the way, Hermes slaughtered one of the cows and offered all, from the entrails and a tortoise/turtle shell, he created the Lyre. Apollo, figuring out it was Hermes who had his cows, Apollo was furious, but after hearing the sound of the lyre, his anger faded. Apollo offered to trade the herd of cattle for the lyre, hence, the creation of the lyre is attributed to Hermes. Other sources credit it to Apollo himself, locales in southern Europe, western Asia, or north Africa have been proposed as the historic birthplace of the genus. The instrument is played in north-eastern parts of Africa. Some of the cultures using and developing the lyre were the Aeolian and Ionian Greek colonies on the coasts of Asia bordering the Lydian empire, some mythic masters like Musaeus, and Thamyris were believed to have been born in Thrace, another place of extensive Greek colonization

Население территории достигло тысячи жителей, а город затронул. В сельской местности была интенсивная сельская деятельность, в Мантуе и некоторых других центрах процветало текстильное искусство. Следовательно, много работы для инквизиторов. Светская власть сначала пыталась противостоять их работе, отправляя в Рим особую миссию, но затем оказалась уступкой и оставила свободную руку против еретиков, получив некоторую услугу только для людей более высокого состояния.

Почти двадцать лет весь Мантуан предлагал жертвы в суд инквизиции, а тяжесть инквизиционной власти уменьшалась. В течение первого века герцогства культура процветает в районе Мантуан. Никколо Карчер привез из Брюсселя, чтобы возобновить производство гобеленов, под импульсом Джулио Романо, Мантуа, сказал Вазари, его больше не следует называть его именем, а Новым Римом. Общественные исследования также расцвели, Агнезе удалось присвоить академические степени, уравнив мантуанское исследование с Парижем, Болоньей и Павией.

8. Флаг РСФСР – Last Soviet-era flag was adopted by the Russian SFSR in 1954. The flag of RSFSR is a defacement of the flag of the Soviet Union, the red star represents the CPSU and communism. The red in the flag represents the Russian revolution and revolution in general, the blue stripe symbolizes the wide Russian skies and the waters of its seas and rivers. The first flag of the Russian SFSR is a showing the full name of the recently born Soviet republic before the then imminent Russian spelling reform. Since 1918, the flag was red with the gold Cyrillic characters РСФСР in the top-left corner, since 1920, the characters was redesigned as described in the Russian Constitution of 1925. However this flag was not used, with the 1918 flag being used until 1937. In February 1947, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a resolution suggesting the Soviet republics to adopt their new flags. On January 9,1954, the new flag of the RSFSR was approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The flag was designed by artist Valentin Petrovich Viktorov, on June 2,1954, the description of the flag was included in the Constitution of the RSFSR. It was first hoisted at 12,00 pm on August 22,1991 at the White House, a tricolor with the hammer and sickle on the centre was also later proposed. On November 1,1991, the Constitution of the RSFSR was amended to adopt the flag as the official national flag. The banner of the republic is a 1,1 ratio red flag with gold fringe, the banner was also used on the first inauguration of Boris Yeltsin as President of RSFSR on July 10,1991. Flags of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics of RSFSR are the defacement of the 1954 flag of RSFSR, Flag of the Soviet Union Coat of arms of the Russian SFSR Flag of Russia List of Russian flags Defacement

9. Булавка – A pin is a device used for fastening objects or material together. Pins often have two components, a body and sharp tip made of steel, or occasionally copper or brass. The sharpened body penetrates the material, while the larger head provides a driving surface and it is formed by drawing out a thin wire, sharpening the tip, and adding a head. Nails are related, but are typically larger, in machines and engineering, pins are commonly used as pivots, hinges, shafts, jigs, and fixtures to locate or hold parts. The development of the pin closely paralleled that of its perforated counterpart, archaeological evidence suggests that curved sewing pins have been used for over four thousand years. Originally, these were fashioned out of iron and bone by the Sumerians and were used to hold clothes together, later, pins were also used to hold pages of books together by threading the needle through their top corner. Many later pins were made of brass, a relatively hard and this development was followed by the use of steel which was much stronger but tended to rust when exposed to humid air. The development of inexpensive electroplating techniques allowed the steel to be plated with nickel, nickel did not rust, but tended to flake off the steel in humid weather, again allowing it to rust. Note, however, that some modern specialty pins are made out of rust-proof, walter Hunt invented the safety pin by forming an eight-inch brass pin into a bent pin with a spring and guard. He sold the rights to his invention to pay a debt to a friend, the push pin was invented in 1900 by Edwin Moore and quickly became a success. These pins are also called thumbtacks, there is also a new push pin called a paper cricket. Thin, hardened pins can be driven into wood with a hammer with the goal of not being seen, a different style pin, somewhat thicker,2 cm short and with rounded tip is used with gramophones. The vibration of the stylus transforms the physical waves of the groove in a record to the movement of a membrane, in this way the sound recorded can be heard. In engineering and machine design, a pin is an element that secures the position of two or more parts of a machine relative to each other. A large variety of types has been known for a long time, clevis pin Cotter pin Spring pin Split pin Henry Petroski, The Evolution of Useful Things, Chapter 4. Robert Parmley, Standard handbook of fastening and joining

10. Большая советская энциклопедия – The Great Soviet Encyclopedia is one of the largest Russian-language encyclopedias. Published by the Soviet state from 1926 to 1990, and again since 2002 by Russia, the GSE claimed to be the first Marxist-Leninist general-purpose encyclopedia. The idea of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia emerged in 1923 on the initiative of Otto Schmidt, also involved was Anatoly Lunacharsky, Commissar of Enlightenment, who had previously been involved with a proposal by Alexander Bogdanov and Maxim Gorky to produce a Workers Encyclopedia. The first edition of 65 volumes was published during 1926–1947, the editor being Otto Schmidt. The second edition of 50 volumes was published in 1950–1958, chief editors, Sergei Vavilov and Boris Vvedensky, the third edition of 1969–1978 contains 30 volumes. Volume 24 is in two books, one being a book about the USSR, all with about 21 million words. In the third edition, much attention was paid to the problems of natural sciences, physical and chemical sciences. From 1957 to 1990, the Yearbook of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was released annually with up-to-date articles about the Soviet Union, the first online edition, an exact replica of text and graphics of the third edition, was published by Rubricon. com in 2000. With exhaustive completeness it must show the superiority of socialist culture over the culture of the capitalist world, operating on Marxist-Leninist theory, the encyclopedia should give a party criticism of contemporary bourgeois tendencies in various provinces of science and technics. The third edition of the GSE subsequently expanded on the role of education, Education is essential to preparing for life and it is the basic means by which people come to know and acquire culture, and it is the foundation of cultures development. A. Vvedensky stating their compliance with the 1949 decree of the Council of Ministers and they are working under a government directive that orders them to orient their encyclopedia as sharply as a political tract. The encyclopedia was planned to provide the intellectual underpinning for the Soviet world offensive in the duel for mens minds. The Soviet government ordered it as a propaganda weapon. And the government attaches such importance to its political role that its board of editors is chosen by and is only to the high Council of Ministers itself. The third edition was translated and published into English in 31 volumes between 1974 and 1983 by Macmillan Publishers, not all entries were translated into English, these are indicated in the index. Articles from the English edition are available online by TheFreeDictionary. com. The third edition was translated into Greek and published in 34 volumes between 1977 and 1983, all articles that were related to Greece or Greek history, culture and society were expanded and hundreds of new ones were written especially for the Greek edition. Thus the encyclopedia contains, for example, both the Russian entry on Greece as well as a larger one prepared by Greek contributors
