Форма обратной связи с помощью jQuery, jGrowl, ajaxForm и Buzz. Скрипт формы обратной связи

An HTML form on a web page enables a user to provide inputs to an application. The data entered by the user is then sent to the server for further processing or storing in the database. A sample html form is given as under:

Listing 1 : Sample HTML Form

Sample HTML Username:
I have a bike
I have a car

The above code produces a basic HTML form having the following fields:

  • Text field for providing Username.
  • Password field to provide Password.
  • Radio button to provide the sex either male or female.
  • Check box to indicate the type of vehicle the user owns.
Attributes in HTML form:

HTML form has the following attributes which are most commonly used:

  • Method: This can have value either of the two values: "get" or "post". "post" is used when we need to submit some information which needs to be stored in a persistent data storage. "get" is used when we need to retrieve some information based on the input value which is submitted.
  • Name: This is used to provide a name to the individual form and is required when we need to access individual components of a form.
  • Action: This attribute contains the name of the file which operates on the fields entered by the user. It also holds the functions, hidden fields definitions which are required to perform a task.
Gathering and submitting the form data:

Let us consider the following code snippet.

Listing 2 : Sample HTML form code snippet

Example 2 NAME:
