Скачать текстуры для minecraft 1.8 32x

When it comes to Minecraft customization, one of the best ways to change the experience as you see fit is by adding a , and Faithful Resource Pack provides you with that exact same feature. Sure, some are HD, others add new biomes and there are a few that just are plain crazy, but the reality is that there are always some great and fun resources that you can use.

The Faithful Resource Pack for Minecraft is one of the best resource packs for Minecraft and it comes at a resolution of 32x , but there is a 64x version just in case if you want, it’s all up to you and how you find it convenient.

There’s a whole ton of things you can check out in the Faithful Resource Pack , because not only you have a ton of new items, but you also have the opportunity to experience a fully changed new environment in any way you want, without any restriction.

A standout addition in this resource pack is the large number of blocks that can literally change the game experience. It’s very nice to see that something so little can have a very large impact on the overall results. We think that with the packyou can literally change the way you look at Minecraft, because it just manages to add a large diversity and a ton of stuff that you simply can’t find nowadays. Instead, what you get is an astounding package filled with lots of goodies and which is clearly very nice and exciting.

This pack is HD, so if you want to enrich your experience while playing Minecraft, then there’s no other, better choice that you can make. It’s nice to find new textures for the things you love the most in Minecraft, be it animals, buildings and so on. Faithful Resource Pack manages to bring you everything in one place, all combined in a very exciting and highly appealing package that you will enjoy using.

You can always be certain that the gameplay experience will be enriched exponentially. In the Faithful Resource Pack 1.10.x/1.9.x/1.8.x Minecraft, no two things will ever be the same, as the game play is streamlined and it’s transformed exponentially into something better, more appealing. Faithful 32×32 texture has been loved by the players for the unique atmosphere of beauty and comfort in the realm of Minecraft

In conclusion, the pack is a great addition to the arsenal of any Minecraft player, and it comes with a fairly simple installation process that you can read below.


  • Added Spactator Widgets.
  • Added Rabbits.
  • Added Alex.
  • Added Guardian.
  • Added Guardian Beam.
  • Added Guardian Elder.

How to install:

In order to use HD resource packs properly (32× and higher) you will need to either patch your Minecraft using or using .

  • 1.Download either MCPatcher or OptiFine. If you downloaded OptiFine, skip to step 3.
  • 2.For MCPatcher: Run the mcpatcher-X.X.X.jar file and proceed to click “patch.”
  • 3.For Optifine: Install OptiFine like any other mod – By opening minecraft.jar, and placing the .class files from Optifine’s zip file within.

With nearly a million downloads from MinecraftForum alone, the Faithful 64x resource pack is one of the more popular packs available right now. However, since it hasn’t been updated in over a year, it only works with Minecraft versions 1.6 and 1.7 – it won’t work at all with the latest game client. Like other “faithful” resource packs, this one aims to preserve the unique look and feel of Minecraft while simply improving the textures rather than swapping them out for totally different ones. The 64x resolution does a lot to help with this endeavor, and the pack looks pretty good despite its age.

Veteran Minecraft players will immediately notice the increased level of detail even in simple, common textures. Wooden planks look especially nice with a grainy, natural finish that makes them look more like actual wood than even resource packs with a much higher resolution. Diamonds actually appear to have facets on them, making them pop and look 3D. The Faithful resource pack isn’t without a few quirks though. For one, when holding a cake item in your hand it will look rounded, circular. Once you place it on a surface though, the cake becomes square like normal. Maybe this is just a bug.

If you’re looking for a pack to make Minecraft look like a completely different game, you’re going to be disappointed by this Faithful resource pack. On the other hand, if you already like the way Minecraft looks but wish it wasn’t so rough around the edges, then you’ll probably really like this Faithful 64×64 resource pack. It’s kind of hit or miss like that. While it won’t impress anyone looking for a change of scenery, there’s really nothing bad to say about this pack, so give it a try if you want to.

Which manages to stay true to Minecraft’s vanilla look while also giving the game a much needed facelift and new appearance, you’re in luck. The Ragecraft Faithful resource pack is exactly what was described above, but it’s also something more than that. It’s a bright, colorful and varied resource pack with textures for every use. Some of these, like sugar cane and trapdoors, look exactly the same as they do in vanilla Minecraft, so Ragecraft isn’t as thorough as some other resource packs. But it’s still worth checking out.

The colored glass and clay blocks of Minecraft look wonderful in Ragecraft Faithful, so if you’re always wishing your windows or clay constructs looked better, then you definitely want to give this resource pack a try. Ragecraft includes connected textures by default, so that does help a lot with the glass. At a resolution of 64x, the textures in Ragecraft which are updated all look significantly better than their vanilla counterparts. Overall, the visuals here are high quality, and since that’s all you usually get from a resource pack anyhow, this one comes recommended. There are no custom sounds here though.

It seems that most textures in the Ragecraft Faithful resource pack are darker than normal. Maybe the overall lighting level in Minecraft is reduced by the pack, or some of the textures are just naturally dark. Whatever the reason, you’ll definitely want to bring along more torches than you’re used to packing the next time you decide to go mining or collecting resources after the sun goes down. If you do that you should be fine since there’s nothing else bad to say about this pack.

Ragecraft Faithful Resource Pack for Minecraft Changelogs

v3 for Minecraft 1.9:

  • Mycelium Side Snowed (Custom .json model)
  • Podzol Side Snowed (Custom .json model)
  • Shield Banners
  • Clock
  • Banners
  • Skin Customizer GUI (Unused GUI)
  • Cauldron Side
  • Cauldron Top
  • Oak Sapling
  • Birch Sapling
